22; Olive and Ren

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Thank you for the comments last chapter, you have inspired me and I now know how I want to continue this story! You guys are so nice and awesome <3


The tunnels were much more complicated than we expected, Rosie kept directing me where to go since I had no sense of direction. It smelt quite damp and had a deathly feel to the tunnel. It wasn't really a sewer system but it had more of a horror movie - like an abandoned mineshaft.

"Totally not creepy." I mummered again as we can face-to-face with yet another human sized web.

"Come on, this way." Rosie spoke.

I'd told her about Axel and the things he told me. I told her that I wasn't sure whether or not it was the truth or not because I really didn't know who he was. I still don't know his real name.

"Honest opinion?" Rosie asked. I nodded. "I don't see why not, you do have similar features."

"When have you done an analysis of their faces?" I scoffed.

"I am mated to one of them." She responded with a roll of the eye." Plus, it's hard to not look at him."

I squirmed uncomfortably. "Rosie, are you sure you know where we are going?" I asked.

"Of course I don't know where we are going, I've never been in these tunnels before." She responded. "I just know we need to go north."

"Maybe we should stop for a bit." I suggested.

"You do realise that they probably know that I am gone, right?" Rosie spoke. "So it's best to keep going."

We continued for another hour and made it to a deadend. I let out an angry groan as I was getting more fustrated each time. I did not want to die in this tunnel.

"Let's turn around-"

"And go where? We're lost, admit it." I said placing my head in my hands.

"We'll just take a different way, it's fine Mavis." Rosie reassured.

I lent my back on the wall and was shocked when it caved in. Was I really that heavy?

I jumped forward in shock and turned along with Rosie who had a look of shock in her face.

"Oh great, we just rebuilt that!" I heard a girl's voice and looked up to see a girl with light pink hair staring at the wall with dismay.

"Hello...?" Rosie started.

The girl looked shocked and placed a hand on her heart. "I didn't see you there. I'm Olive." She introduced. "You must be Rosie and Mavis! Hey!" She sounded abnormally gleeful.

"How'd you know that?" I asked instantly on edge.

"I'll talk more inside, come on." I turned to Rosie who had an identical look on her face. We did not trust this lady.

"Yeah... no..."

"I knew I had to spill the beans." She laughed. "I'm a clairvoyant." She spoke. "And you don't know what that, it someone who sees the future." She bluntly speaks. "I am here to talk to you two, been waiting a week."

I looked at Rosie and shrugged before walking into the hole in the wall. "Don't worry about that, we'll be leaving with you guys."


We wondered down a small corridor and made it to a door inwhich this girl had the key for. She opened it quickly and ushered us in before closing it.

"Olive?" A male voice was heard.

"I'm here." Was the response of the perky pink-haired girl. "That's Ren, he's my boyfriend." She blushed whilst walking in and making her way to him.

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