Chapter 8

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"The guard held the eyes of the princess and stared at her intently. He knew he wanted to tell her everything, everything about the way he felt about her. He also knew though, that she would never return his feelings, and even if she would, the king would never allow it. He turned his head and began to get up when he heard the princess's sweet, satin voice say his name, "Joseph, where are you going? Something is the matter with you and don't you try to deny it. I knew you all to well to believe it." 

The guard turns his head to see the brunette's eyes, that he drowned in all time, had turned into an innocent, questionable state. The princess stood up and walked over to him. She lifted her hand and set it on his arm. Even under all his armour, he felt the warmth of her love placed into the touch. He looked down at her hand, then back into her eyes. He knew that he needed to tell her or he would forever hold the largest secret ne ever had from his best friend. Just as he opened his mouth to tell her the truth a rider came bounding in.

"Princess, the king has summoned you. I have been sent to fetch you. Joe, you can ride back on your own. I'm taking her with me." The princess lifted her dress and walked towards the rider. She lifted her hand and the man bent down and helped her mount onto the horse's back. The princess wrapped her arms around the rider and yelled down to the guard.

"Joseph, you are not off the hook. You are telling me what is the matter the next time I see you. Oh! Be a dear and grab my book off the seat. I left it." With that the rider turned the horse and off the two rode towards the castle, leaving Joseph alone, conflicted with his thoughts."

I close the book and look over at Grey, who had become enveloped in the story. He looks up towards my face. Only I had noticed how close we were. Our faces were mere inches from each other. His eyes bored into my soul. He suddenly looked away and began to move. I grabbed his armed to stop, but he abruptly turned around and we wound up so close we were breathing the same air. Both of our breathing seemed to stop for a second, until he leaned back and cleared his throat.

"Shae, have you ever noticed how you and the princess are so similar?" I wrinkle my eyebrows telling him I had no idea what he was talking about. "I mean come on Shae. Think about. You both have brown hair and these beautiful blue eyes that make you get lost in them and even the thing with the books. You are one of the only people I know that can lose herself in story. When you read to me, you make me feel like I'm apart of the story, which causes me to get lost in it too. You're also so caring. You always make sure everyone else is okay before thinking about yourself, like at school, when a kid is pushed down in the hallway you rush over and help them before picking up the stuff that was just knocked out of your hand. I remember one time when I had spilt coke all over this nerdy girl's sweater so you switched sweaters with her all day so she wouldn't be picked on. I mean after all you've been through, you are still as sweet as you were 6 years ago, and don't think I forgot about that day in library after my grandmother had passed away. You just sat there and let me cry without saying a word and when you did talk, it seemed to be exactly what I needed to hear. You're just perfect."

I sat through his whole speech with a jaw dropped down, but I closed my mouth and realized what all he had said about me. I felt my cheek go crimson and looked up at him to see his eyes widened in shock, like he had had a revelation. He opened his mouth to say something when my little brother came barging into my room.

"Shae! Help! Something happened to Chloe! Come on!" I smiled and apologetic smile to Grey and rushed out the door, forgetting all about that dreadful, life-altering book.

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