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                  "Book 4 Global please." I smiled at the librarian, she nodded as she went into the back to get the book. I turned on my heels to see the other books the library had to offer, my favorite genre is romance. It's probably because I haven't ever been in love before. Just the thought of being in love gives me butterflies, a swarm attacks my stomach in such a lovely way.

I smiled when my hand skimmed over a book I've been longing to read."Looking for Alaska, Oh god you don't know how long I've been looking you." I mumbled to myself, taking it off the self.

When I turned around I let out a low yelp, clutching my chest in shock."Oh wow, you scared me half to death!" I chuckled when I regained my breathing. I tilted my head at the boy that stood before me, he had light brown hair, dark brown eyes, a slight tan fluttered across his face.

"I didn't mean to scare you, I was just wondering if you could help me out." He asked hopefully. Surprise creased across my face, no one talked to me-ever. I'm not complaining, its just strange to have anyone approach me."We have the same history class, you know that project?"

I nodded" Well I kinda messed up..." He scratched the back of his neck." I skipped to many times and I don't have any notes to do it. Can I use yours?" I do kinda of need them, but he does need help- And maybe if I give them to him we could become friends.

"Sure! anytime!" I said taking my notebook out of my bag. He smiled gleefully, hugging me. This took me by surprise but I ended up hugging him back. A guy is hugging me, this is just like the books. He finally let me out his strong embrace to be pulled backwards by an another guy I don't know the name of.

He glared at the guy."You have some nerve, Jake."

Jake looked like his worst night mare had came out of nowhere."I just wanted the notes." He said confidently." and I can talk to anyone I want Levi." He glared at him crossing his arms.

"I don't like whats mine being touched! You should have know better.." He growled, I gasped at what he was saying." I worked too hard for some nobody to come and take what I own away from me. I. Will. Not. Allow. It." Anger dripping from Levi's voice, nervousness raked through my body. His presence scares me and especially when a glint of mischief sparkled in his eyes.

I went to grab Jake's arm to pull him away, I was snatched away from his reach to be put behind Levi's back. He cracked his knuckles," I'm guessing you didn't realize your place just yet." And right before my eyes his fist connected with Jake's face.

He turned toward me, my breath hitched in my throat."You're mine, you're only mine. Do you understand Hadley?"

Before I could stop myself." No, I'm not. I don't even know."

"But I know you." He leaned in and kissed my forehead.


To say I was confused was a complete utter understatement, I do not know why there is a car trailing me as I walk home. Well this is what happened. He walked up to me as I walked away and out of the library. He grabbed my wrist and demanded for me to get in his car so he could drive me home. Why would I get in a car with a guy that I don't know, and am scared of. So I said "No"

So that's how I got to him trailing after me."Get in the car Hadley! Quit being difficult!" Levi shouted from his car, but I just quickened my pace. There is no way I would get in the car with him, he scares m-!

My waist was grabbed, my heart sped up."P-put me down this instant!" I hit his back with my tiny fists. Tears began to pool in my eyes."P-please, p-put m-me down.."I sob. He immediately tenses, he put me down and bent down to my height .

"I didn't mean to make you cry." His eyes widening." Please princess."

I wiped my eyes taking a step away from him." Don't call me that, it's patronizing."

He coughed, watching me intensely." I'll buy you ice cream, what do you want just tell me. So I can make those tears go away."

The feeling while i'm standing in front of him is intense, he scares me."I want you leave me alone." Hurt flashed across his face,looked away from my face now- looking away at some building. I took this time to walk away, making sure he wasn't following me I took a glance back. Levi was leaning on his hood of his car, he had a hand on his face. I was shocked to see tears streaking down his face, I did that.

I made him cry, what type of monster am I?


"Dad! I'm Home!" My voice echoed through the empty house, I guess he's not home. I walked through the hallway to go into the kitchen. I went to the fridge to get something to drink, there was only two things to drink water and Mountain dew. I grabbed a glass and poured me some mountain dew. I smiled contently at the drink, I loved mountain dew.

I pulled my phone out my pocket to see if I had any texts from mom. I frown creased on my face I saw nothing, shrugging it off I went upstairs to my room.

My mind went back to levi, no wonder why no one wants to be my friend. I'll just make them cry, frustration washes over my body. Why aren't I likable, why do I just gravitate away from people. Well no I don't want Levi as a friend but the thought of having another person hate me is unbearable.

Sitting up I brush my hair out of my face, and put it in a high ponytail.This is how I spend my days in my room sulking about how crappy life is. My face lit up when I heard a car pull up to my drive way, jumping up I look out the window. I see her with man I assume is dad.

I run down the stairs, and swing the front door open. That is not my dad, my mom is kissing a guy that isnt my father."Mom! What are you doing?"

She pushed me out the way, dragging her boy toy along with her." Move Hadley." She said in harsh voice. My face paled of all color, I grabbed her arm."Let the hell go, Hadley."

"How am I supposed to let go that your cheating on dad?" She glared at me grabbing my wrist and yanked me close.

"He's dead, get over it." I shook my head."And dont ever accuse me of cheating im everything but a cheater." She said with venom dripping from her voice.I pulled my arm from her grasped reach, I hung my head in sadness.

I mumbled under my breath incoherent curses.


Hi guiseee! I just wanna try out this idea, give me some feed back if you like it.

Update: (after I've finished this book) I think I need to address this, you'll probably start hating Hadley later on. Calling her a BITCH and ANNOYING, I wrote her like that for a reason. Character development, I want her to grow and go from "weak" to a "strong" level headed young woman. So please do me a favor and not complain about how ANNOYING she is. Or don't and carry on- I honestly can't do any this stop it 🤷🏽‍♀️.

But anywayssssss, I hope you enjoy this book❤️❤️❤️❤️

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