Destiny made the Suggestion... but I made it Happen ~ Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

~ The Gang ~

Piercing blue eyes stared into mine with icy hatred. Loathing shone clear in cold blue iris and black pupils. The guy's fingers clamped tightly around my neck and my breathing hitched as the tightness threatened to block my airways. I tried to keep my eyes from looking scared, tried to look tough, but I think I probably failed miserably. The boy's hair was so blond it was practically white.

"What did you hear?" He said in a menacing whisper. His voice, like his eyes, was icy. It was incapable of loving. He banded my head back. "WHAT?" He yelled. I gasped, trying to answer, but I didn't have the ability. With no air I could utter no noise.

"Let go of her Lucas!" The boy named Andreas said firmly. Lucas shook his head vigorously.

"Not until she answers." He breathed.

"Lucas! You're hurting her! She can't answer if she can breath!" Lucas still shook his head. Andreas came over and roughly pulled on Lucas's had, and I gasped for air as I was released. My vision was spotted and I was hearing things as if through a tunnel. Then everything came back into perspective. I realized I was slumped on the ground head leaning back against the cool stone. I closed my eyes, not caring what these people did to me. If they ended my life, then they did. It didn't matter. I took three calming breaths. When I opened my eyes, Andreas was crutching beside me, looking at me intently. Almost looking caring... The rest of the gang was talking, ignoring us.

"Thank you," I said quietly, serenely. I had learnt manners from my grandmother. I had lived with her until she had died. She had been as close as anyone had to being my mother. I had been 7 and my older brother 10 at the time. My brother, Johannes had died when I was 11. Attacked by a gang one night. Five shots; one to the leg, to stop him from running away; on to the arm, to stop him from defense; on to the stomach, for immeasurable pain; on to the heart, for near death; and the last to the head... ending his youth.

"Are you alright?" Andreas asked, bringing me out of my retrieve. I nodded, still breathing unsteady. "You shouldn't be here girl. Your at the wrong place at the wrong time..." He looked almost sad. "How much did you hear?" He asks.

"I want to catch your ride to San Diego." I tell him. There's no point in not being direct - small talk won't get me anywhere. He looked at me curiously.

"Why?" He asks. It seems like he's referring to more then the present situation. "We're a gang. What would a girl like you be doing with us? I'm sorry, but you have to leave!" Andres said urgently. I shook my head.

"I can't stay here..." I mumble looking down. I can almost feel tears in my eyes - which I hate.

"Why? Who'd you fight with?" He asked. I wonder what he had going on in his life. Why is he even in the gang?

"My parents." I say this bluntly. Emotionless.

"Well, I'm sure it wasn't that bad. I'm sure it's not as bad as what you're getting yourself into if you come." Andreas said. I shook my head, looking at him as if I could project what I was feeling with my eyes.

"Trust me, you don't know..." I told him quietly. It must have come out pretty intense by the way he now looked at me. "Look, can't I just hitch a ride?" I asked.

"No, your either part of it or not..." He said. I looked at the others. They looked fierce, rude, blunt, and fearless.

"Are you in the gang?" I asked.

"Yes." He said, nodding. I looked him in the eyes and knew my decision.

"Then I'm coming." I said, standing up.

Destiny made the Suggestion... but I made it HappenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ