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The sound of hundreds of claps and cheers echoed through the hall as they announced Caroline Cordelia Castle and Lucas Richard Salvatore as the Homecoming King and Queen. But the mention of his middle name might have almost ruined the title for him because it also happened to be the name of his father. And if we say that Kate was hostile towards their father then Luke despised him. And since Kate, the most forgiving person I ever met hates him; I can't even describe what Luke thinks of him.

Anyways this is not the time to remember hated, as opposed to giving a chance to blooming love.

Wow, never in a million years would anyone imagine me of all people talking about love.

Proving that Alli had done her part Care immediately placed her hand into Luke's when he asked her to a dance.

And man was his expression priceless! After all he had no idea she was the victim of the same challenge he was. I felt like a Fairy God mother after all the shit we pulled.

But in all this commotion what I couldn't miss was the announcement of the runner ups, the prince and princess's names which very conveniently were Allison Grace Waters and Ashton Elijah Forbes.

If I believed in fate I would be pretty pissed at it.

Now it was my turn to get embarrassed and ask the only girl who-would-rather-not, to dance with me.

And who by the way already had that Douche as her partner.

I went ahead towards the far end of the hall in search of her and was delighted to find Sir Douche had taken it upon himself to disappear. I noticed Alli acting a little nervous before see saw me approaching. When she did her face morphed into confusion before settling in a calm expression.

"Hey would you by any chance like to dance?" I dared.

"Umm. Yeah sure! Let's dance." She replied smiling, after overcoming the initial surprise, her soft brown eyes expressed.

I took her hand and led her towards the centre of the dance floor. The music started and soon we were dancing in a sync to it, maintain perfect eye contact, as her brown orbs looked into my blue ones, without uttering a word. The silence reigned until an interruption came its way in the form of a question she asked.

"Isn't tonight a time of surprises? When did you learn to dance like this?" she asked genuinely baffled.

"Don't be so surprised, there are still many things you don't know about me. If only I knew my dancing skills would impress you so much I would have shown them to you earlier."

"Huh! No don't flatter yourself I am so not impressed. I've seen better. Just surprised you could do even this much."

"So tell me love, are you impressed now?" I asked after spinning her in my arm, dipping her down and catching her before she could fall.

"Nah." She replied clearly trying to tease me.

" You little minx." I said smiling, knowing exactly what her reaction was going to be.

"Listen Mister I am not little anymore, alright? I increased 2 inches while I was gone, its not my fault you're a giant." She replied clear annoyed.

I don't know why but I find her looking like the cutest girl ever when she's angry. I have been scolded all though my childhood for irritating and then complementing her on the cuteness of her face while she was pissed at me but I still find it irresistible. Teasing her is the most fun thing to do. So continuing the fun I replied, "So what you're still 5'2."

The Perks Of Falling For Your Bestfriend✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora