Chapter 16 ~ Those Three Little Words

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Jay's P.O.V

The cloud that was covering my mind like a soft blanket slowly started to fade away. Instead of staring into a white pit of nothing the multi-coloured dots and squiggles reappeared.

When I opened my eyes I expected to be greeted with bright lights, so I prepared myself, but when I did open my eyes I was greeted with darkness. I fluttered my eyelids to get my eyes used to being open again and slowly started to sit up. My head pounded in protest. I groaned but stayed sat up leaning against the wall. The wall was hard and bumpy but it was cool against my skin, offering me a slight release from my pounding head.

The silence in the room was soothing yet at the same time terrifying. Even though I preferred to be alone, having my quiet time, I've grown used to having a larger pack with more noise. I'd never thought I'd say this but I wish that Cameron was here, even though he annoys me to no end.

"Erugh," Someone groaned. I instantly sat up in alert and tried to look around my surroundings.

"Who's there?" I asked. I waited but I got no reply. I heaved a sigh and relaxed back up against the wall. My imagination must be playing tricks on me already.

"Jay," a voice whispered. I looked around me again, now that my eyes had adjusted to the dark I could see that my cell was quite large and in one corner there was a metal bed, like the ones you usually find in a prison.

We might as well be in a prison, my wolf chuckled groggily. I chuckled with her.

"Jay," that same voice whispered again. I listened closely this time and determined that my mind wasn't playing tricks on me and that there was someone else in here with me. Who? I have no idea, I recognize the voice. I just can't seem to place it.

"Jay," the voice said again but this time it had more power behind it. "Jay!"

"Who's there?" I said again.

"It's me Cameron."

I was shocked, "What are you doing here?!"

"I got taken with you. The kids came out of the forest and told us what happened, I shoot off after you. I caught your sent and followed you to that clearing where I found..." He trailed off. "I found... I found you lying on the floor with rouges all over you." His voice sounded so sad and wobbly. "I thought you were dead. I managed to get the rouges off you and kill them but then I got shoot and now we're here." Cameron's voice was still shaky.

I was astounded by what he'd done for me; he risked his life and also risked his pack of not having an alpha because of me. In that moment I felt like the Grinch where my heart grew three sizes. Never in my life has someone risked everything for me, not even my own pack but then I was the one that was to protect them.

"I'm sorry for getting you into this Cameron," I whispered ducking my head.

"You don't need to be sorry, I would do it all over again just for you Jay. No matter how much you push me away I will always be there to protect you. I love you Jay."

My head shot up, my eyes opened wise with my jaw on the floor. Did he really just say that?!

My wolf was prancing and yipping around, he loves us! She chanted over and over again.

"Where are you?" I asked. "Are you in the same cell as me?"

"I think I am," he chuckled. "I can see you." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"How is that possible? I can't even see you!"

"You maybe the famous Jay, but I'm still an alpha and my eyesight is still better than yours." He chuckled.

"Damn you," I muttered. Cameron laughed again. "Can you move?" I heard some shuffling about and then a presence was suddenly besides me.


"I'm here, Jay, I'm here." He whispered. I was suddenly overwhelmed so I wrapped my arms around his waist; I buried my face in the side of his neck and nuzzled him with my nose. His body was tense shocked, but he eventually relaxed and wrapped his arms around me pressing me up against him. "I love you so much, Jay. No matter what you think." He whispered.

My heart went into over drive again with those three little words. I've been told that I'm loved before but there are different versions of love. One being a brotherly, sister love, then you've got friends and finally you've got the love from your partner. My feelings for Cameron have grown once again since being back but right now I don't know if we'll ever have a future together, maybe one day I'll say it back but right now we're both content in just holding each other.

"Where do you think they have taken us?" I mumble against Cameron's warm neck.

"I'm not sure, we could be anywhere." He paused. "We don't know how long we could've been out for either, could've been a day, two days or even more. My mind link to the pack is also very weak; the drugs haven't completely left my system yet. Can you get a hold of anyone from your pack?" I looked up from his neck to see the shimmer of hope that sparked in his eyes.

"Hello? Can anybody hear me?" I shouted through the mind link.

"Jay?" The voice was faint I could barely make out what they were saying or who it was.

"Yes it's me! Me and Cameron have been captured!" I smiled with relief at Cameron.

"Don't worry hel-" they suddenly cut off.

"Hello? Hello?!" I shouted. Nothing, I heard nothing. They were gone. My smile quickly vanished and was replaced with a frown. Cameron must have noticed the change in my mood as I was pulled back into his tight embrace.

"Someone was there but then they were gone," I whispered.

"It's okay; everything is going to be okay." He took my face in his hands. "At least we know that when the drugs wear off more we can contact our packs. For now at least we have each other."

I couldn't help but agree silently with him, with my power, our strength and knowledge combined we'll be able to get through anything together. I may still not accept him as a mate or forgiven him for what he did years ago but I'm glad he's here with me.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by the sound of a door creaking open, followed by slow taunting steps down a staircase which probably lead to the cell we were being held in. Their steps echoed around us like a thunder storm bouncing off of all the walls. Cameron and I were quiet as we listened to our approaching capture. Another door creaked open. I held my breath and I felt Cameron do the same. The door slammed shut and they continued towards us.

Cameron's grip tightened around me when I heard the sound of keys unlock our cell door.

~ A/N ~

I'm sorry for the long wait and for how short this part is. I also apologise if there are a lot of mistakes, I had to write this part on my phone as I haven't got interest yet because moving house is stressful. I will go over the mistakes once I have access to the internet.

Thank you for being patient and for everyone that is reading. Over 8000!! :D Keep reading, voting and commenting it all helps! See you next time!! :)

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