Chapter 8

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Sugar and spice and everything nice

Stanley crossed his arms, took a deep breath and pushed out his chest with pride.

"I told you I would get him down here," he boasted.

Matthew took two steps back, "Whats going on?"

The old man in the wheelchair cleared his throat. "I told you, we are here to rescue you."

"Rescue me from what?" Matthew snapped.

"You don't yet fully understand the severity of your predicament. Zephram was going to feed you to the tumbler." He raised his hand and patted Sara's hand that was on his shoulder.

"He's not just here to save you...he's here to save himself," Stanley smirked.

Matthew was puzzled, "...And what does that mean?"

Stanley Laughed, "I told you, you were a clone... you're his clone. You're the copy and he is the original."

The old man motioned for Matthew to follow him, "Come on, we can discuss all this later. First we need to get you away from Zephram."

Matthew looked skeptically at the old man, "I don't know if i should go with you."

"Trust him," Stanley interrupted, "Mica is as trustworthy as... as... well, as trustworthy as you." Then he giggled under his breath again.

"Mica, is that your name?" Matthew uttered suspiciously.

Mica leaned forward in his wheelchair, "Yes, trust me, I'll explain further once we are out of this place and safe."

Stanley headed back towards the elevator. Sara turned the wheelchair and followed Stanley back into the darkness.

"Are you coming," Matthew heard Sara's voice call back to him out of the black.

He paused for a short moment, then he relented and followed them.

They made their way through the musty bowels of the hospital. It was cold and dimly lit but Stanley knew the way.

He led them to an elevator, "ground floor," he commanded.

The elevator seemed very small, now there were four onboard. Everyone was awkwardly quiet in the cramped space. Matthew was exceedingly reserved, uncertain of their intentions. The only sounds, as they rose in the cramped box, were the clicking of the elevator chains.

The elevator doors opened and Sara pushed Mica into the hallway. Stanley motioned for Matthew to follow Sara. Matthew hesitated and the elevator doors began to close. Stanley slipped his hand between the closing panels and stopped them from closing. He easily pried the doors apart. Matthew thought it odd that Stanley was so strong.

"Hurry," Sara whispered from the end of the hall. Her head protruded from the entrance of a small room.

She knew this to be the best time to make a quiet exit. The staff of the hospital would be occupied changing shifts. Matthew could hear the hustle and bustle of hospital staff tending to their duties. Without being detected, they slipped behind the door of the small room where Sara and Mica waited.

The room had a large window that opened onto a courtyard. It was perfect for their escape. Matthew ran to the pane of glass and stared out into the courtyard. The clean transparent pane allowed him to escape even before he had left the sterile confines of the building.

He pressed his hands flat against the window. The courtyard was well kept. The grass appeared lush and freshly cut. Flowers and small shrubs lined the walkway. He moved his hands over the transparent glass and imagined the coarse texture of grass between his fingers.

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