The invitation

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The next morning I had woken up before Erebus and gotten a shower, when I had come back out he was still asleep to my surprise, his soft snores filled the room as I silently closed the door and went downstairs. I made some eggs and set out two glasses with an arrangement of juices from the fridge for when Erebus woke up to chose from, then continued to make more food like pancakes and bacon. Erebus walked into the kitchen after I'd finished baking and was cleaning the dishes with a letter in his hand he tossed it onto the table before walking over to me and hugged me close to him

"Good morning," I said as he dug his face into my hair while taking a deep breath

"Morning" his voice came out muffled as he hugged me closer if that was even possible

"I made breakfast for us" He chuckled and lifted his head from mine and looked over at the table with all the food on it

"I can see that" he paused for a minute before asking

"How long have you been up?"

It hadn't occurred to me how long it had been since then but it had been a few hours

"Uh few hours"

He didn't comment on that instead he just hugged me for a couple more seconds then grabbed my hand and we both walked to the table and sat down before eating our gigantic breakfast in silence.

After we had finished I looked at the letter Erebus had put on the table before reaching over and grabbing it, my gaze went up to him asking for permission to open it and he nodded before continuing to eat. My finger slid across the side of the paper to open the envelope and unfold the paper inside it,

Dear, Erebus Blazer

You have been invited to a gathering at Mr. Alpha Derricks pack territory for a time for all alphas to greet one another for the upcoming year, we ask that you bring your Luna if you have one to this event. We will meet at 6:00 pm with all the other alphas that will be attending on Dec 29th, we hope you can join us.

From, Derrick and Sasha Vinex

I looked up at Erebus after I had finished reading the letter and he looked back at me, he watched me as I set the paper in front of him and took a sip of my drink. He picked up the letter and read it for himself as I stared at my empty glass in thought, what if I embarrassed him in front of all those other Alphas? I did have a dress for the occasion which was good but still, there were so many things that could go wrong. After a few more minutes of thinking it occurred to me that Alpha Michael would probably be there, and that scared me the most of all of just thinking about him and what he had done to me before, seeing him again was just an overwhelming thought at the time.

"Layla" Erebus suddenly said and my head snapped up to look at him

He looked at me uneasily for a moment as if my movement had surprised him before continuing

"Do you want to go?"

He should be attending, he's the most powerful alpha so I know it's important for him to go to these types of occasions and also it's for the celebration of the new year that was coming soon, he probably wants to go to make an impression at the least. I knew he would protect me from Alpha Micheal no matter what so there was really no reason to be afraid and I shouldn't be worried about embarrassing him because he cared about me more than that.

"Yes, I do want to go" I tried to sound confident in my answer although I was still doubting myself a little

"Alright then," he said before finishing his drink

I took his dishes and mine before walking into the kitchen and cleaning them as usual before Erebus wrapped his arms around me from behind and started walking upstairs with me lightly whining against it making lame excuses to why I should stay downstairs but none of them got a response better than a light "hmmm" sound. Instead of going to the bedroom like I thought he would he walked into another room which was apparently his office seeing from the wooden desk with piles of papers and a comfy looking black chair behind it.

He walked over to his chair and sat down in it before giving me a quick kiss and positioning me beside him as he started to work. After a few minutes boredom was consuming me as I stared blankly at the pen in his hand that was signing multiple papers.

"So, do we have anything else to do today?" I dragged out

Erebus glanced at me from the corner of his eyes with a slight smirk, finding my boredom amusing before responding,

"Did you have something planned?"

"No, just wondering"

He looked back at his papers and I frowned knowing that he knew I was bored but just pretended not to see it just to mess with me,

"Erebus," I said lazily

"Mhmm" he replied not taking his eyes off the papers,

"I'm bored" my tone was blank to make it clear overall,

"Then go do something"

"But I don't know what to do"

"Then stay here"

"That's not helpful" I frowned

He chuckled and looked over at me before wrapping his arms around my torso and bring me onto his lap.

He looked at me intently which made me shy away from his gaze before he leaned forward and connected his lips to mine I kissed him back before he pulled away and kissed across my jawline. Whoa, this is a little new, I thought as he made his way down to my neck and kissed over it multiple times his lips pressed against my spot that he was supposed to mark which made me take in a breath of air nervously. He kissed there for awhile before making his way back up to my face and by the time he reached my lips it felt like my whole body was burning. He pecked my lips before lifting me up and walking out of the room and down to his bedroom my legs wrapped around his waist as he carried me into the bedroom and laid onto the bed before kissing me. His lips again traveled down my jaw to my spot on my neck causing my body to tighten suddenly. Erebus looked up slightly at me and I looked back at him,

"Layla, please let me mark you"

I froze and thought, but when I did there was no point in saying no to him that made any sense except for the fact that it would hurt but that was it. Finally, I nodded while closing my eyes and Erebus kissed my neck once more before I felt his teeth sink into my skin my eyes shot open and my mouth widened into a silent scream for a moment before his teeth were gone from my flesh, I sighed in relief before he came face to face with me.

"Are you alright? It didn't hurt too badly did it?" He asked worriedly

"N-No, I'm fine" my voice came out less confident than I'd hoped it would be. His eyes filled with compassion before he lowered his head down to lick the blood that had started to seep from the bite, the feeling made my head feel light.

"I'm sorry sweetheart," he said sincerely

"It's alright, I knew it would hurt at first but I'm fine now" I tried to sound reassuring

He nodded before looking off as if he were deep in thought, my head tilted slightly in question wondering what he was thinking about before he looked back down at me.

"You're wearing that black dress to the party right?"

I nodded until he got up while grabbing my hand to help me off the bed.

Comments and Votes are always appreciated!

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