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This story you have decided to read, is about Alice. The girl possessed by a demon so horrifying, the mere mention of its name strikes the heart of the bravest being with fear. Alice's story is a gruesome, sad tale, that will remain in history forever. You may be asking; "does this story have a happy ending?"

Well, all I can tell you, is to read on, and find out for yourself.

October 16th, 1969, 12:27 am Joplin, Missouri

The clouds loomed in the night sky, shielding the moon, preventing it from shedding its light. The wind howled in the shadow, and the trees danced. Thunder rolled across the sky, making the windows rattle. Lighting flashed, illuminating the fields of Joplin for a split second. The dead leaves from the oak rained upon the ground as the wind blew, like a snow of orange and red.

Sitting in the living room, was Richard Davidson. A tall, muscular man with sleek brown hair a fine jaw, and a pointed nose, wearing brown pants and a blue button up shirt sat in front of the TV. The weather was on, a man spoke in front of a map, pointing here and there, telling each town and county their forecast. Next to Richard, was his loving wife, Abigail. Her long, wavy blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail, revealing her beautiful neck. She had golden earrings pierced in her earlobes, gleaming in the light of the living room lamp. She wore a purple dress, decorated with flowers of bluebells, daisy and roses. "Honey, could you please get me another cup of coffee?" Abigail requested, smiling at her husband.

"Sure honey," Richard replied, getting up off the couch. "At least I get a break from watching the damn weather-man."

As Richard walked towards the kitchen, Abigail laughed. He chuckled silently to himself, and grabbed a mug from the top left cabinet above the sink. He then scooted over to the coffee maker, and poured her a cup, then added two spoons of white sugar. Abigail liked no cream in hers, which Richard found odd. Just before Richard was finished making his wife's coffee, he heard his wife exclaim. "Richard, come here, now." Abigail said urgently from the living room.

Richard sped across the kitchen, and came into the living room. "What is it? what's wrong?" he asked quickly.

Abigail stared in horror at the TV screen, as the weather man announced a tornado was heading in their area. "We have been notified that a giant F5 twister is heading towards Joplin," the weather-man said. "It has just touched down, and we recommend you find somewhere safe to hide."

Then a clap of thunder shook their house. The windows rattled and the china cabinet shook. Richard heard the wind pick up, and its pressure against the house, making the boards creek. "Holy...shit," Richard cursed.

"Go get Alice, now!" Richard told Abigail, and she did so with out a moment's hesitation. She sped up the stairs, and took a sharp left turn down the hall. At the end of the hall, was little Alice's room. A eleven year old kind and short tempered girl with silky brown hair down to her lower back, a scrawny build, and beautiful green eyes.

"Alice! honey, wake up!" Abigail urged, shaking Alice awake.

"Ungh, what is it mama?" Alice asked, her eyes heavy with sleep.

Abigail scooped Alice into her arms. "We need to get to the cellar! there is a tornado here," she replied.

Fear struck Alice like a knife. She learned in school how powerful and dangerous tornadoes were. "Mommy, I'm scared!" Alice said, her voice getting tight.

"It'll be ok sweetie," Abigail said. "We'll get to the cellar and be fine."

Richard was waiting at the door, with a flashlight in his hand. "Come on! Come on!" he yelled, furiously gesturing towards the door. When Abigail came by Richard, he quickly opened the door, a gale of wind nearly knocking them over. They ran across the yard, trees snapped like toothpicks, and their Ford Truck got impaled by a branch. Richard sprinted to the cellar a few yards away, and quickly opened it. Abigail holding screaming Alice in her arms ran towards it, but the vicious winds sent a piece of wood hurtling towards Abigail. The sharp end struck her in the head. Abigail's eyes rolled to the back of her skull, then she dropped Alice and fell to the ground, dead.

Alice saw Richard scream in fear and despair. Alice ran towards her father, and he grabbed her by the arm and pushed her into the cellar. Then, before he could get in, the roof of the house was torn off. The wind sounded like shrills of terror, and it sent pieces of wood and debris flying everywhere. Suddenly, a piece of lumber the size of a baseball bat hurtled towards Richard, and impaled his chest. He dropped the cellar door, and it fell for a second, but the force of the tornado ripped it off. Alice was screaming in fear, but the tornado was so loud she couldn't even hear her self. She saw her dad's blood soaked body get lifted away, and carried off to who-knows-where.

Alice curled up in the back corner, shielding her face from the wind and dust. She screamed and screamed, then the car fell on top of the open cellar, nearly crushing Alice's frail body. "Mommy! Daddy!" she shrieked, but her nor no one could hear her. Then she couldn't take it anymore. She went unconscious from total terror.

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