My chance

474 17 16

Pacifica Northwest

We had made it to Wendy's hideout and all sat around the fire. I stared at the flumes as Wendy and Dipper shared their stories of where they were before weirdmageddon started. I wasn't listening all that much then Dipper started to talk.

"I was in a fight with Mabel when it happened. Grunkle Ford asked me to be his apprentice but that would mean I wouldn't go home it would mean growing up without Mabel..."

It would mean I'd still see you, it would mean I had a chance..

"Oh dude." Wendy sighed. "Mabel didn't take it well and she ran off into the forest she couldn't even look me in the eye." He finished.

"Come on let's go get some fresh air." Wendy said indicating us outside.
I caught up with Dipper.

"Is it true are you really staying?" I tried to say it excitedly but it just came out rude like everything else was coming out.

"Yeah I think so but don't worry I'll never cross your path." He scoffed and followed Wendy.

I sighed and walked behind them.

They sat on the rail as I stared off into the apocalypse watching everything change including me.

Dipper Pines

Somehow Wendy had talked me into getting Mabel back. I was glad she did though we kinda needed her.

We had began to walk closer and closer to the bubble. We found ourselves in a junk yard. We were almost there.

As we walked through the place I could hear Pacifica "Ew"ing at everything we passed. I covered my ears but she just got louder. "Oh my god! Would you be quiet?! You're gonna get us-"

"Well look what we got here!"

"...Caught.." I sighed.

2 cars approached us.

"Well looks like we got ourselves a pair of ground walkers!"

"Ha ground walkers.. ain't got no wheels! Haha."

They laughed in union.

"We just wanna make it to that bubble over there we have no coil with you." I tried to explain. "That's where you're wrong." A deep voice boomed. "Y'all fellers going no where."


"Gideon." I said.

"I place you three under arrest..oh hi Wendy, Pacifica have we formally met?"

Gideon had got us captured I tried to get out of their grip but it was no use. I could hear Pacifica threatening to sue them behind me. Gideon begin to explained to us that he had Mabel in the bubble so that she would learn to love him and he was the only one who had the key.

But he soon lost it after Wendy had broke our capture's arm and stole one of the cars.

Pacifica Northwest

We got into the car Wendy sat in the front and Dipper took shot gun.

"Wendy, you're the coolest person I've ever met."

Dipper had said after we got in. Which was true but I still didn't like her for my own reasons.

"Please I could've done that.." I scoffed under my breath. I probably would of said that even if I wasn't hit by the bubble.

"Before or after you sued them?" Dipper scoffed back.

I said nothing and looked out the window.

Wendy had drove as fast as she could there for she was a bit wreck less. I bumped into the side of the car breaking my foot.

We passed through a few weirdness bubbles. Before I knew it i was myself again but in a different form (picture) . I had my regular clothes on and my rudeness had washed off, I could say what I wanted to say.

"Dipper! I'm going to make this quick because I don't know how much time I have I know I've been acting weird lately but that will all be explained in good time but ever since that day at my party Ive realized I loved you."

Dipper turned to me. "Sorry Pacifica what was that? I couldn't hear you over the ruckus." He said.

I opened my mouth to repeat what I had said ...

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2017 ⏰

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