2.10: No history when you're with me

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2.10: No history when you're with me

The pink haired girl was called Bella.

Which literally meant 'pretty'.

My name was April.

Which, literally meant April, the fourth month of twelve.

I was actually curious about the process of Bella's parents on choosing this name for her. Do parents of beautiful children know that their children would be beautiful? Is that why they were so confident that they'd choose the name 'Bella' for their wrinkly babies?

I mean, what if 'Bella' turned out to be a big-nosed, pimpled faced, genetically fat girl? Then everytime anyone called her name, she would feel like they were throwing them an insult.

But then again-

"So you're Ryder's girlfriend?" the manifestation of beauty talked to me, and who was I to get lost inside my own world when such creature bequeathed me her attention?

"Yes, yes I am!" I said as I bowed my head towards her. I heard that asian people liked to bow their heads. Confirmed from the few animes that I watched.

Bella and Ryder looked confused at my behavior.

"I thought that you'd like to see me bow," I explained myself, "because asians like to bow to each other. That, and I can't seem to look at your face for very long because that would inevitably remind me of my own uneven skin tone or boring dirty blonde hair."

That put a smile on Bella's face. She surely knew for sure that she was another level of beautiful. "No, no. You're so pretty, too. Finally, Ryder got himself a 'normal' girlfriend."

My eyes widened because I wouldn't consider myself the very definition of 'normal'. "I'm not normal. I irritate Ryder a lot because of my non-normalcy." I pondered about it. "In fact, sometimes I irritate myself because of my non-normalcy."

Bella raised her dark eyebrows. She pointed her index finger at me as she turned to Ryder.

"She's like that," Ryder said in a gentle voice. "She's got the innocence of a five year old."

"And you're a five year old when you're drunk!" I protested.

"I know, right!" Bella chipped in. She started ruffling Ryder's hair, and if my eyes didn't deceive me, Ryder's face started to form a dark shade of red. "He comes here whenever it's school holidays, bringing something to drink with me. But he's always the first to get drunk and do embarrassing things!"

I nodded, recalling the experience of him asking to sleep in my room after he got thrown out by his father for getting drunk on a school night. "Yeah, he asked to sleep with me once."

Ryder's face was now a semblance of healthy eggplant. "I'M NOT-"

Bella didn't lose a beat. "Yeah? Well, he asked me to kiss me once. We were just 12."

"12 year old kissing?" I scrunched my face because I couldn't even remember what my concern had been when I was that young. But I knew that they must have used too much tongue and too much saliva. "It must have been awful."

Bella smiled sweetly as she ruffled Ryder's hair even harder. "One time, he also confessed to me when he was drunk."

"He confessed about how he loved reading steamy Harlequin romance book?" I offered.

She squinted her eyes. "No..."

"He loved them so much! Did you know that? We live side by side and he never shows anyone that he's such a romantic, but he loves those 'girly' books and is actually a huge sucker for romance."

The Quirky Tale of April Hale (Quirky Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now