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( I'm going to start writing these from first person point of view, so instead of using 'you' I'm going to be using 'I'.
xx tania 😊)

VIDCON, WE HAVE ARRIVED!" Jack screams, taking my right hand in his left, and throwing his free hand up into the air. I giggle at him, a smile spreading across my face. We're walking down the sidewalk, making our way from the hotel to the convention. Even though it's only my first Vidcon, Jack's talked about it so much that I feel pretty prepared for it.

As we reach the front doors of the venue, my excited attitude turns quickly to pure nervousness. Looking out over the huge crowd, I have a bad feeling. Jack taps my shoulder, kissing my cheek. "You look a little pale, are you okay?" I nod, faking a smile.

As soon as we walk in the doors, at least fifty girls run up to us. "JACK!" Someone screams, causing heads to turn all over the room. The crowd quickly grows, and so does the noise level. Everyone is shouting at Jack, and he's trying to take pictures with people without being trampled. A few girls shove me to the side, coming between me and the only familiar face in this entire place. I bite my lip, trying to fight back through the crowd, but it's no use. These girls reaaally want their pictures with him. I stand still, knowing that he'll notice I'm gone soon, and come get me.

Five minutes later, I'm even farther back, and Jack still doesn't even know i'm being shoved left and right by his fans. I start to panic a little, and try to reason with them. "Guys, guys, I kinda need to get through." A couple of them glance at me and think nothing of it, until finally, a girl realizes who I am. "You're (Y/N), right?" She asks. I nod, and she sticks two fingers in her mouth, whistling loud enough to get everyone's attention. Everyone jumps a little at the sudden disturbance, and turns around.

The girl puts two hands in the air, pointing at me. "LET (Y/N) GET BACK TO JACK, GUYS." A few people move, creating a little opening for me to walk through. "Thank you so much." I tell her. She smiles, shrugging, and suddenly, I have an idea. "What's your name?" I ask. "Kelly." She answers. "Cool. C'mon." I say, grabbing her hand, and dragging her behind me. When I reach Jack, he hugs me tight. "I'm so sorry, babe. I didn't even notice. Are you okay?" I nod. "I'm fine, and there's someone I want you to meet."

I give Kelly a nudge towards him, and he smiles. "Are you the one who helped (Y/N)?" She nods, looking completely stunned. He hugs her. "Thank you so much for doing that." She hugs back tight, and I laugh. "Give me your phone, Kelly, I'll take your picture together." She smiles at me, shakily pulling out her phone and dropping it into my hands. I snap a quick picture, and she gives Jack one last hug before scurrying off.

I move back towards him, and he wraps an arm around me. "Okay guys, we have to go now, I promise I'll take more pictures later. Love you guys." We walk quickly off, and make it to the backstage area without any more major mobbings.

I lay my head on his chest, sighing. "That was nuts." He nods. "Yeah. I'm kinda shocked, actually." "A lot of people love you, babe." I kiss his cheek. "But nobody loves you as much as me." He smiles. "I love you so much. This is gonna be a great weekend."

"Yeah, but promise me one thing." He looks down at me. "What?" "Try not to lose me again." He chuckles, pulling me in for a kiss. "I won't, I promise."

Needless to say, he kept me close by from then on.

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