Chapter Fourteen

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I stare in disbelief. How can that be? My mind must be playing tricks on me. It must be. 

Sophie quickly shut the door. "Seeing it gives me the creeps." 

Not seeing it, then seeing it again gives me the creeps. 

     "The cops hope to be hear by a little after noon. But who knows how long this snow storm will last." Sophie sighs and walks back into the kitchen. 

     I get up and go into my room to change. I throw on my old jeans and my old turtle neck. I look at myself in the mirror. I straighten my hair with my hands as much as I could. I look into my eyes. I looked tired. It seems like it's been years since I last saw my family, but it had only been a couple of days. Purple shadows lingered under my eyes. 

     I go back out into the living room. With Sophie districted, I sneak out onto the front porch and pick up the axe. It was cold in my hands. I searched the axe for clues, and that's when I found it. 

     Happy Birthday Dad! You are the best Dad ever. Love, Michel, Amy, and Josh. 

     Amy? Amy as in the-girl-who-my-dad-cheated-with-Amy? 

     It makes some sense. Dad said he broke up with Amy before heading home. And since Amy was furious, she could have killed my family. But all over a break up? It seemed stupid, and too obvious. 

     But maybe there was some bad blood between Amy and my father before that. It seemed like the most logical answer. 

    I shivered and set the axe down in the exact same spot. I creep back into the living room, shutting the door and locking it. I quickly go into my room. 

     I needed my laptop. If I could find Amy on Dad's Facebook page, then maybe I can message her into giving me some information. But the thought was dreadful. Having to speak to someone who I despise. But it was my only hope at trying to find the killer. 

     In the distance, Sophie's phone rings. After a few seconds of chit chat, she comes into my room. "Good news. The police are on their way to get the axe. And they said they would drive us to your house to get your things."

     "Great." I smile. One step closer to getting my laptop. One step closer to finding the killer.

~ ~ ~

     After an hour or so of waiting, the cops show up. Sophie and I both are questioned, but are dismissed. Officer Sam was there. 

     We got into the car with Sam. Snow was still falling down, and it was beautiful. Sam and Sophie made small talk while we drive down the mountain. After forty five minutes of so, we pull into the driveway of my house. The house where my family took their last breath. 

     Yellow crime scene tape laced my front lawn. Little yellow cards with numbers littered the porch, the lawn, and near the cars. Evidence. I thought to myself. 

     Sam walked with me inside. Blood was all over the place. It spelt of bleach and sulfur. I hated it. 

     I go to my room and pack my bags. I slip my laptop into my backpack. Sam carries my things to the car. I walk downstairs. There on the mantle was a picture of me with my family, taken at Disney World last summer. I grab the frame and place it in my bag carefully as tears fall. 

     I put my bag over my shoulder. I wanted to stay here, I miss this. I miss my family. My mom, my dad. Lily. I missed them all so much. The mere thought of never being able to see the pained me. The thought of not helping Dad cooking dinner in the evening. The thought of not driving down the road with Mom, laughing over silly things. The thought of not being able to tuck Lily into bed at night. Asking me to read her a bedtime story. It hurts, knowing that I can't do that anymore. That I'm stuck with Sophie, and myself. With just my memories to hold onto. Nothing more. No more memories with them in it. 

     Before walking out the door, I mumble, "I love you." I open the door and step outside.

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