South Carolina

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We drove for hours before I had fallen asleep. The next time I opened my eyes, it was almost dark out. I looked at the clock and it was almost nine o’clock at night. Where the hell were we? We had driven for nine hours and as far as I knew, we didn’t stop or anything. We were still on the highway and everything around me was a blur.

“Have a good sleep?” Kyle asked grinning, as he looked over at me.

“Where are we?” I asked, still groggy from sleeping.

“South Carolina.” He replied.

My mouth dropped open, why were we in South Carolina? How was Robbins supposed to find me here? We were two states away from Florida and for all Robbins knew, we were still there. It took everything I had to not cry right now. How was I going to escape this time? I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a siren behind us. I turned around to see blue and red lights. It was the police!

“Damn it.” Kyle cursed as he slowly pulled over to the side of the road.

Kyle turned to me and said, “Listen, you are my girlfriend. Play along or Landon is dead. Say nothing at all, unless he asks you something. Remember I can kill him in an instant.” Kyle rolled down his window and the officer approached the car.

“Hello Officer, what’s the problem?” Kyle asked, putting on his sweet guy act.

“Did you know you had a tail light out?” He asked.

“Really? No, I had no idea. I’m sorry, Officer. I will go get it fixed as soon as I can.” Kyle said.

“Alright, I will give you a warning here, but you better get that fixed.” The officer said frowning.

“Oh trust me I will.” Kyle said.

The officer nodded and turned and walked to his car. I should have done something. He could have been my way out. Now, I was screwed once again. Kyle leaned over and kissed my cheek. I scooted away from him, but there wasn’t really anywhere to go.

“Thank you for being good, Sweetie.” He smirked.

He started to drive again and I knew I should have done something. Maybe he has forgiven me for escaping, since I was good. It was another hour or so before he started to drive into the woods. Oh god, not again. I watched carefully as we made several turns on dirt roads, but got lost after awhile. We pulled up to a house, which was literally in the middle of nowhere. I wasn’t sure how Kyle found these places but they were always so secluded.

My eyes were first pulled to a huge lake that was in front of the house. It was a lake house. We pulled to the front of the house, and I could tell that the lake was huge. I couldn’t see where it ended in any direction that I looked. So much for swimming to find help. I could be wrong, since it was dark, but I highly doubt that the lake is small. Kyle wasn’t born yesterday.

The house looked huge; it was a two story house, with a balcony on the second story. It looked relatively new; it couldn’t have been much than year old or so. Did Kyle have this place built? I went to open the door, but found it locked. I sighed, stupid child lock. Kyle chuckled at my attempt to get out of the car and got out. He walked over to my side of the car and opened the door.

A wave of cool air hit me and I knew the lake and that fact that it’s like ten o’clock had a role of the coolness. Kyle held out his hand, but I didn’t take it. I got out of the car and shut the door behind me. He grabbed my arm and led me to the house. I took a deep breath and tried to keep up with his fast walking so I wasn’t being dragged.

Once inside, I noticed there was a huge open living room. Just to my right was a set of stairs and to my left was the living room. Then my heart sank when I saw Kayden and Dole, each sitting on the two couches in the living room. They both stared at me, Kayden smirking and Dole, emotionless.

Life As I Knew It (Book 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora