Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Cassandra tied the horse to a post and  entered the Inn. The raucous laughter she usually heard when she entered the main hall didn't come. Instead, she was greeted by the buxom owner, of whom she asked, "do ye have any rooms at the Inn?"
Sophia hugged her friend. "Cassandra, what brings you here on this stormy day?," She fixed concerned eyes on her friend. "And you must get out of that soaking wet gown." Sophia led her friend to her bedroom. "Cassandra, I'm afraid none of my clothes would fit a slender girl like you." She thought for a while. "Wait a minute. I'll be right back."

As Cassandra waited for Sophia to return, she glanced at her surroundings. There was a welcoming four poster bed adorned with a white canopy.  A hearth promised to warm the guests on a cold winter night, and in the spring, added to the cozy flavor of the room.

Sophia returned with a long blue dress. "I'm sorry, but this is all I have."

"That is the outfit your servers wear."

"Yes, I do apologize, but that is all I have."

"I suppose it will have to do."

"I'll fix us some tea while you're changing."

As Sophia departed for the kitchen, Cassandra slipped her gown off. She could just hear the rants form her mother. She had just ruined a gown custom made just for her. "You'll never land a husband now, Cassandra, " she could hear her mother saying. A curious sensation was beginning to fill her. She felt a little freer; it was like she had loosened the ties that bound her. She giggled at her reflection in the mirror.

As she stepped onto the black and brown tiles of the kitchen, she curtsied. "May I serve you some tea, Madam?"

Sophia giggled. "Cassandra, you look adorable."

"I don't think my mother would agree. I could just hear her, 'My daughter, a common serving wench'." She sat at the dark wood table and joined Sophia for tea. Sophia had set out some Queen's cakes. As she munched on the heart shaped tart, a sad look crossed Cassandra's face.  Sophia placed a tender hand on top of Cassandra's hand. "Cassandra, what is wrong, dear?"

Cassandra stared at the lovely tea cup, painted with delicate pink and white flowers. "You must be doing well to be able to have such lovely china."

"Good way to change the topic."

Cassandra sighed. "I heard something very strange from the stable boy." Cassandra sipped her tea. Sophia prodded her friend with her cornflower eyes. Cassandra noted the plea to hear more, but continued to drink silently. As she drank, she admired the day dress Sophia had on. It was white, and embroidered with red and blue dots. 'You look glorious in that dress, Sophia."

"  Beast. You're   just going to leave me hanging like that?"

Cassandra put her cup   down. "He said that I am not really the daughter of my father and mother."

"Nonsense, than who could  you  be?"

"He said, I am the daughter of a groom and a pirate."

"How could that be? Two men can't have a child."

"That is what I said, but he told me that my mother was the pirate."

"Nonsense, there are no such things as lady pirates. He must be mad."

"Yes, of course, he must be mad."

"You are truly high born. There's something regal about you. "

Cassandra looked at her friend. "Sometimes I envy you, Sophia."

"Why would the daughter of a Baron and Baroness envy me? I am but the owner of a humble inn."

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