Chapter 42

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"Ready?" Harry asks me as we were about to go through the back door.

"No.. I don't think I can run that fast." I chuckled.

"I can carry you." He grinned, somehow excitedly.

Smiling, I scrunched my nose slightly. "Really?"

"Yeh, I'm pretty strong." He starts to flex, me shaking my head.

"Yeah sure, keep it to yourself Styles.'' I rose my eyebrows.

Harry smirked as he opened the door, to see if the coast was clear.

"Let's go.'' He whispered, motioning me.

I follow behind him as we quickly walk the opposite way we came from, until..

We find the group of girls.

"Fuck fuck fuck." Harry panicked, my eyes widening as the girls were getting closer and closer from the front of the yogurt place.

"COME ON!" I rushed, scrambling around as Harry quickly picked me up bridal style before started running the opposite direction.

"Go Napoleon go!" I joked, giggling as he groaned, turning the corner.

My arms were around his neck, as he sprinted down the streets and behind a wall.

Squealing out of nowhere, I don't know I just felt really jumpy and energetic right now.

"Are you okay?.." He asks me as I grinned, nodding.

"That. Was. Fucking. Awesome.'' I whispered, lightly pushing him against the wall as my body was against his.

His lips had hungrily met mine, as they molded against each other. My head slightly tilts to the side as his lips start to trail down to my neck and then my collarbones.

I felt his teeth slightly nip at my skin as I softly moaned.


"Mhmm." I hummed, his crotch against mine as I felt his hand reach under my top to trace circles onto my hip.

"I have to get something off my chest."

"What is it?" I whispered, looking at him.

"My shirt. Let's have sex." He winked, me chuckling.

"That was really good." I nodded approvingly.

"Thanks. I thought of it myself." Harry acknowledged.

"Soo. Sex, yeah?"

"But a bit more romantic." He leans in slightly so he could whisper into my ear.

I smiled, biting my lip as his fingers slightly reached into my pants.

"Wait right there, alright? Not now." I hushed, smiling as his lips ghosted over my cheek.

I look up at him, pecking him on the lips.

"I said I loved you. Not that I wanted to make love to you."

He smirked. "I can wait."

"Mhmm, and you will." I rose an eyebrow, as we watched the girls pass us without knowing we were hidden at all.

My phone started buzzing lively in my pocket.

"Huh." I mumbled, slipping it out and answering it. "Hello?"

"Blue, we have a bit of a problem." Noelle breathed out.

I glanced at Harry before keeping a straight face. "Kendall is pissed, as in.. Mad. You're going to have to hand Harry over to her."

P.S. I Hate You (Harry Styles)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt