Ch. 3 - A Madman's Prey

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It was his terrifying laughter that echoed in the silence.

"Clock's ticking!"

The Trickster stared in curiosity with a huge smile on his face, becoming impatient by the second as I searched for the correct words. 

What the hell am I supposed to say? Think!

Nervous, I stepped forward, took a deep breath, and with a broken voice, began to talk.

"While looking for food near the broken bridge I heard screaming from a bar near me and rushed to see what the problem was." My mouth unnecessary filled with air that I swallowed on accident. "Inside I skipped two bodies and headed towards the second floor looking for the scream."

Think! What if he gets angry that I killed his men? Will he kill us all?

"There was a trail of blood coming from the room closest to the stairs and leading to the window at the end of the hallway." My breath trembled at the end of that sentence. 

What if he already knows the truth?

"I looked inside and found it trashed with blood splattered all over the place. That's where I found the gun." 

He stared, unflinching and unconvinced. At least that is how he looked to me.

"I followed the blood trail toward the broken window at the end of the hallway where a man had been thrown outside. Made me believe it was some type of gang confrontation that made me fear for my life but before I could run from the place I heard crying. That's when I found her. She told me about this place and I accompanied her. That's all that happened, I promise."

The Trickster remained unmoved, as if instead of listening to what I had to say all he was thinking about was how to deal with me most unpleasantly. I worried.

Rachel always said I wasn't a good liar. Wait, did she? 

My memory pulled a blank once more.

Suddenly one of the Tricksters men approached him, whispering something in his ear, and walked away. His expression changed from creepy serious to a big smile that could make even the strongest man shiver. He took his gun away from Rose's face and waved it at me playfully as he spoke.

"Well! If it isn't a hero! BRAVO I must say! And an honest one at that. Oh! How everyone should thank you for sparing their lives."

I felt the environment lightened up with a collective sight among the survivors. The tension everyone felt at the time had slightly lifted, with people chattering lowly amongst themselves. Regardless, just having him there was enough to make a bad day worst. I heard Jannette whispering "Thank you" to herself, making me release a satisfied sigh.

That wasn't that hard after all.

The Trickster waved his golden gun around and began to speak once more. "But oh Mikhail, Mikhail. There is something about you...I don't quite understand! Could you be? Why are they so interested in you?"

They? Are there people searching for me? Maybe Rachel!

He waved the gun around again, getting excited by the second. "It must be! I'll tell you what. Since my generosity has been broken and I am feeling humble I'll give everyone a slight warning this time. I mean, I have lost two men and you came to me directly."

"I've...come to you?" I was worried. Things weren't looking good.

"Do not worry, my beautiful gem! Good hands, good hands!" He laughed. "Too bad, I was hoping for a feast tonight. Sad, boring!"

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