Bright Yellow With Doughnuts

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Arms wrap around me, a soft kiss placed upon my cheek as a smile stretches across my lips. Holding my diploma closer, I turn my head to the side, meeting his lips as we close the space between us. Pulling away, I pull Augustus in for a hug, adjusting my cap as my mother takes a quick photo.


"You two are just too adorable," she comments, winking playfully at me as I know what she's up to. She does this a bit: embarrassing her daughter for some well done memories. She knows I hate pictures, especially with a boy. I told her and my father the other night about Augustus, how we decided to be a couple. I also told her we were mates but that I will wait until the correct time to tell him about what we are. About what I am. My parents respect my decision to wait to tell him, to wait until things get more serious between the two of us before I reveal to him a world of, as the humans see it, monsters. "Amory, don't go off yet," mother snaps playfully at me as I'm about to head to a group of friends.

Augustus laughs, kissing my cheek for one last photo before we head off, waving to my mom as he takes my hand. "Graduated kids now," Augustus comments, smiling at me as my heart softens at his smile. "All free until college." College. I am going to forget that word even exists as I want to live in the moment with Augustus. I have my mate now and I am content. "Let's take a trip sometime."

"Where?" I ask, walking around the corner with Augustus as we are out of out sight. Pulling me in for a quick kiss, I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling myself onto my tiptoes as Augustus gently pushes me against the wall.

Pulling back, Augustus tilts his head, looking down upon me. "Anywhere. The beach, the mountains, hell, even the flat lands of Kansas. You name it and we will go."

I smile, grabbing ahold of Augustus's collar on his gown, pulling him closer to me as I bite my lip. "How about we just take a day t-


"Yah?" I ask Augustus, raising an eyebrow as he interrupted me when I have him a reply.

"Could you excuse me a second, just hold onto your reply," Augustus whispers, turning his head to the left as I see her. She's beautiful as always, her ginger hair curled to her shoulders, her gown unzipped as her beautiful peach dress is on display. She's watching us, biting her lower lip, her eyes moving between Augustus and me. "Sorry." I nod, watching as he leaves the secluded hallway and walks over to his ex. I know he still feels something for him. It's been barely even two days since they split, there's no way in hell Augustus could just be over her by now. It will take time.

I watch as he talks to her, how he stuffs his hands in his pockets and greets her with a friendly smile. She simply offers a lopsided smile back, rubbing her arms as she's uncomfortable. I know she is. I don't blame her for being uncomfortable. She's not happy with his decision, and if anything, she's pissed with me.

"Amory?" Turning around, my eyes widen to see Luna Willow before me, dressed no longer in pastel pink, but a creme dress that hits her knees, a beautiful pearl necklace upon her necklace, and in those eyes. That beautiful eyes now dull due to all the hell she has put up with over the years. "Congratulations on your diploma," she states, pulling me in for a short hug. "My apologies for the situation a little bit ago, I'm sorry you had to see all of that."

I nod. "I forgive you, I understand that as a mother you are looking out for your son."

"It's more Cade than anything...I'm sorry, it's not my rightful place to share information about my problems of marriage." I understand what she's saying, how it's out of place to tell a teenager and pack member how difficult your husband can be. I've seen how they act around the pack, how you would think them to be the perfect couple. "I wanted to also thank you." I raise an eyebrow. "You're strong to come before Cade and support Flynn on that subject. It takes a lot of strength for a pack mate to stand up to an Alpha."

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