Chapter Twenty

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Recap: "I don't think it's fair to lead her on when I have feelings for someone else." There was a momentary pause, and when Luke carried on speaking, his voice was softer, gentler. "I like you, Jamie Vandeviere. I don't know how or when it happened exactly, but there it is. I like you."

Thank you so much for the support you've shown for PP! And I want to give a quick shoutout to all of my readers who helped me deal with the 6 plagiarism problems I've had this and last month. Thank you for looking out for PP for me! : )

This chapter is dedicated to @Gleeknaya for taking the time to make the beautiful trailer on the side.


Chapter Twenty

Jamie Vandeviere

Luke pressed his forehead against mine and kept one of his arms circled around my waist when we broke away to catch our breaths. As he smiled against my lips, I felt as if my entire body was going to explode with bliss. Even though we were standing approximately two yards away from the dumpster and this was far from a romantic setting, everything about being here with Luke felt right. My heart had yet to slow to a steady rhythm and as I looked into Luke's eyes, I doubt it ever could.

He groaned all of a sudden. The small smile, however, still tugged at the corner of his mouth."Now I feel like a wuss."

I suppressed a laugh."Why?"

"I let the girl that I like make the first move," he sighed. "You wounded my ego, Jamie. I feel like such a loser."

The lopsided grin on his face was saying otherwise.

"I don't know if you let me do anything," I said sheepishly. "I kind of threw myself at you. I still can't believe I did that."

"That's hardly your fault." The confident smirk playing across his lips grew radiant. "I know I'm pretty irresistible."

I rolled my eyes at him and smiled when he laced our fingers together. A comfortable silence ensued before Luke- the playfulness from earlier gone from his face- hesitantly asked, "So... what now?"

I blew a gust of air from my mouth, feeling my stomach dropped when an image of Adam smiling flickered across my mind. "I'm... going to talk to Adam.”

Last night, I’d arrived at another conclusion in the midst of my crying. I promised myself that when Adam came back, I’d tell him the truth and end things with him. I didn’t want to be the girl who, despite having feelings for someone else, still clung on to her boyfriend because she couldn’t handle being alone. I was fine with being alone while Luke was seeing Aimee, as long as it meant I could be honest with Adam and with myself.

But Luke’s confession caught me completely off guard. I kind of panicked when Luke thought I didn't reciprocate his feelings and I stupidly acted on impulse to prove to him that I did like him. Obviously, I wasn't doing much thinking when I kissed Luke or when Luke kissed me, but now the guilt and self-reproach was definitely catching up to me.

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