3: Trouble, Hatred, & Harry Styles

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- Harry -

"I can't believe you never told us!" Louis looks at me, an intense frown on his face. "Told me!"

"It's no big deal, Lou." I tell him, slightly frustrated. "That was back in grade school. I barely remembered until I saw her face last night."

"We've watched like all of her movies." Niall butts in. "How can you not remember?"

I purse my lips, evading his eyes. He was right. The minute I saw her first movie last year, I knew it was her. I just didn't care to think about the past. All Amber and I did was purposely get under each other's skin. To be honest, I didn't want to remember her and I'm bloody sure she didn't want to remember me.

"Louis," Liam turns to face my best mate, interrupting my thoughts. "If it weren't for your stupid bet, Harry wouldn't be in this situation."

Louis gasps, a look of mock hurt in his eyes. "Me? You're blaming me? Not my fault Hazza went along and auditioned for the bloody movie."

"Sorry to interrupt, Lads." I begin to say, throwing my arm around Louis' shoulder. "But I'm honestly quite proud of the results. Me? A movie? Who knew, right?"

"Yeh," Zayn speaks up for the first time. "A movie and you get to share an apartment with your old childhood enemy who's suddenly massively hot and famous. You must be jolly."

I shoot him a glare, not happy with his input. Amber? Hot? I restrain from smirking. Yeah, right.

"I simply can't believe you agreed to this." Liam retorted, a small frown appearing on his lips.

"I'll be fine." I assure them, pushing open the car door. "I can handle a few weeks with Amber."

"The real question is," Niall points out. "Can she handle a couple weeks with you?"


"What's that supposed to mean?" I raise an eyebrow, stopping midway before exiting the car.

"He means a girl, especially a girl who hates you, may not be able to put up with a stubborn, cheeky, flirty boy with bad habits like you." Zayn translates, winning himself a nod of agreement from Liam.

I open my mouth to protest but quickly shut it. They were right. Everything Zayn had said about me was right. I get out of the car, standing up with pride.

"If she can't put up with me," I smile. "It's her problem, not mine. Have a good day, boys."

Before they can give me any kind of response, I turn away and begin to walk toward the apartment building that contained the room Amber and I would be sharing. A confident grin forms on my face. This was going to be fun; loads of fun. 

 - Amber -

"Get out."






Carol's glare is intense and serious causing me to sink down in the passenger seat. I knew I'd have to get out eventually, but the thought of seeing Harry's face again made me want to vomit. I may barely be able to survive a day and she expects me survive a few weeks? It's like telling me to jump off a plane without a parachute. Survival is impossible.

"You either get out," Carol tells me slowly. I can feel a threat coming. "Or I'll get Harry to come and get you." Yep. Definitely a threat; a good threat too. I feel my eyes widen and within seconds I'm standing on the driveway of the apartment building.

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