Chapter Thirty-one

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tChapter 31

Needless to say, I was confused, terrified, and jealous of this girl’s beauty.  I looked her over and realization dawned on me.  “You’re not human, are you?”

She laughed.  “Ding ding, give the girl a prize.”

“What are you, then?”

“A vampire.  You know you could have guessed.  Kept it more interesting.”

“Why do you have my roommate?”

“Oh, don’t worry, I won’t hurt her.  Well, actually, I make no promises.  However, you, I promise I will hurt you.”

“Why,” I stuttered.

“You know what, I just realized how rude I must sound.  Coming in here, threatening you, your roommate, and maybe even that nice mate of yours.”


She ignored my question.  “I did that without even introducing myself.  I’m April.  A…” she thought for a moment, “friend of your brother’s.”

I must have looked really confused.  “That is, before that werewolf of yours killed him.  Did you know your brother’s a great kisser.  I miss him.  So, I’m here for the whole vengeance thing.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“I know.  But have you ever seen Twilight?  The red head goes after the mate of the guy who kills her mate.  Call me crazy, but I just thought that was a great idea.”

“I didn’t want Luke gone any more than you did.”

“I know.”  I must have been crying, because she said, “Stop whimpering, will you?”

She released Gina and I realized that her head fell on the bed lifelessly.

“What did you do to her?”

“Oh, right, don’t worry, she’ll be fine.  I just knocked her out so I could stand up without worrying about her trying to escape.”

“Please don’t do this.”  She walked closer to me.  “You know, I warned him not to come back, but he said he just couldn’t resist.  You know, that best friend of yours has o-negative blood?  That’s really rare, and his favorite type.  Her name’s Katie, right?”

“Did you do anything to her?”

“Oh, goodness, no.  Not yet, anyway.”

I could tell she was going to, though.  I was getting terrified.  All I could think was, Stall, Lainey!  “My brother wouldn’t have hurt Katie.  He loved her.”

“Loved.  Past tense.  That means used to.  Then I turned him.  And he loved me.”

“So you have souls then?”

“See, that’s a matter of opinion.  I don’t know.  It can’t be proven.”

“Well you said you were in love, right?  You can’t love without a soul.”

“You know, I’m getting really bored.  And all this talk about souls is making me hungry.  Well, actually, I’m just always thirsty, so let’s just get on with this.”

She started walking closer to me and my pulse started racing.

I suddenly realized something.  The voice in the dream.  The one I couldn’t recognize.  “It was you, wasn’t it?”

“You’ll have to be a little more specific, dear.”

“My dream.  That was you.  Your voice.”

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