Chapter 2 - Polar Moon

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The Alpha and I stared at each other for quite a while. I didn't know what to say to him, and he was desperately awaiting my response. He took our time in silence as an opportunity to look me up and down, taking notice to the injuries his men had inflicted.

I guess he got tired of waiting for me to speak, so he turned back to his men.

"Both of your titles are revoked until further notice," he yelled.

Titles? These fuckers had titles? Geez. I guess I shouldn't have expected any less. Although, I would admit I was curious as to what titles they held.

The two men stared at their Alpha, stunned at his words.

"Are you deaf? Go!" the Alpha shouted at them. The men quickly scurried to the staircase and exited the dungeon. If I had any strength left in my body I would've flipped them off as they went.

The Alpha let out a frustrated sigh and then turned his attention back to me, his eyes softening as they made contact with mine.

"I'm so sorry, my mate," he said softly.

"May I ask your name?"

He was so gentle and polite; it was really throwing me off. He was an Alpha after all, wasn't he supposed to be cruel and demanding? I didn't know if I even wanted to answer him. Of course I didn't! He's an Alpha!

So I stared at him.

He furrowed his eyebrows together in worry. I mean, I must've looked like hell by now, and I wasn't speaking. He probably thought something was seriously wrong with me. He looked genuinely concerned, and I almost felt bad for refusing to talk to him.

"Why won't you talk to me?" he asked, his voice truly revealing his unease. "Please...I won't hurt you, little mate. No more harm will come to you."

I sighed in defeat as I wrapped my arms tighter around my naked body to conceal myself from him. He was just being too nice. That didn't mean I trusted him, but simply that I couldn't deny him answers any longer.

"Lena," I squeaked out.

Goddess! I sounded just as weak as I looked! That silver collar had really taken a toll on my entire physical state, and now I just seemed pathetic! I was ashamed of myself but too tired to really show it. Honestly, I felt kind of bad for him. The big tough Alpha probably thought he had a sweet, innocent she-wolf for a mate. He sure as hell was in for a surprise!

The Alpha's worried face softened as he smiled sweetly at me. His teeth were perfectly white and straight, and his smile reached his golden eyes, causing them to gleam.

"Lena," he murmured to himself pleasantly. My wolf let out a soft, pleased growl in my head. She liked the sound of our mate saying my name.

"I'm Alpha Elijah, but it's just Elijah to you," he told me, his smile never faltering.

He reached up and ruffled his own hair with one hand as his smile turned into a childlike side-ways grin. Even I had to admit it was kind of adorable.

"You know, I've been searching for you for years. I just...I can't believe I finally found you. I only wish it had been on better terms," Elijah admitted. His cute grin quickly faded, and now he was left looking a bit like a sad puppy.

"Look at our mate! He looks so sad. He feels terrible that we're hurt," my wolf whined.

I internally groaned at my wolf. Normally our thoughts and opinions were one in the same, but now that we'd met our mate we just weren't seeing eye to eye.

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