Chapter Three

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June Apricot.

I walked out of the Diner, I had Leroy, the owner of the diner, give me a morning shift so I could have time for the party by 5'O clock.....

I was a little buoyant so I hailed a cab...I was too tired to walk. As I laid my head on the backseat my phone rang, it was an unknown so I was a little sceptical about picking it up... It could be my mum..or even worse Ivor...they may have found something to bother me with again...those devils.

In the act of contemplating,the call ended and I could say I was relieved until it rang again... I picked it up after deep breaths and my hello was more like a snap.

"Bad day huh Miss Cleaner?... Oh, sorry June" the deep familiar voice and I felt a smile creeping onto my face.

"Mr 246, how'd you get my number?" I asked and I heard a low chuckle.

"I got it from the receptionist.... And the name is Ivan" he said and I cringed... Close to Ivor.

"The receptionist?... Isn't it totally unprofessional to give out the numbers of workers?" I asked.

"Well, who least I got what I needed...all it cost me was a smile and a wink" he said cockily.

"Cocky much are we....stop here" I said directing the last part to the driver.

"Stop what?" He asked as I got out and paid the driver.

"Not you....the cab driver" I said as I walked down to my house.

"Where are you going?" He asked and I grunted, I hated when people ask me where I am going or why I didn't pick my calls or what I've been doing... I just hated it...only few people got away with asking me that.

"My a problem with that?" I spat.

"WAOH WAOH....slow down eh...Did I touch a nerve?" He asked and I just shrugged it off...Poor thing didn't even know I hated it.

"I'm you checked out right?" I said changing the topic as I arrived at my house.

"Yup...Left the room as clean as possible and I told the receptionist not to have it messed up...only you are allowed to mess it up" he said and I laughed.

"Let me guess, those words you stressed are interchanged right?" I asked and he laughed...his laughter was good to hear.

"Yeah...I have to go now...Got a dinner to attend"he said and I nodded as if he could see me.

" yeah.. Me too" I replied without thinking... I walked in and sat on the only chair I had in the room.

" who's taking you?...your husband?, boyfriend?, fiancé?" He probed....Curiosity killed the cat

"All of it...he was a boyfriend then a fiance now a husband... Gotta go, I'm running shouldn't keep your date waiting either" I said and ended the call.

I walked into the bathroom and ditched my skirt and top, the got into the shower... After a lot of scrubbing...I mean a helluva lot of scrubbing, I got was as if I was scrubbing away all my poverty so I could look presentable.

I checked the time on my phone and I smiled...3pm...Still got two hours left..I decided to go Make myself Mac'n'cheese... I had gone to the grocery store yesterday...Got a lot of tips at the diner and at the bar, I didn't have a need to touch the money I removed from my savings... Lucky me.

By the time I was done eating, it was 4;05...blame it on the slow stove I'm using.... I ran out of gas a long time ago..

I walked into my room and selected the long black and white gown which exposed all of my back except for a thin net covering it....the gown looked spectacular and clung to my straight body like glue...I had no curves, none at all...I'm this straight twig...even my boobs aren't what you'll call big.

I was about brushing my hair when Rosie's call entered...I picked up immediately.

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