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Chills circulated down her frame when the warm forest green eyes captured hers. She had walked downstairs unknown about his presence, but then she had seen someone else sat next to Bilal. She looked at Naimat, silently questioning the man's presence. Naimat just shrugged, then walked to the dining table.

Upon settling right opposite to him, she realized the man was none other than Zaib, who had heard her blabber pure nonsense to him on the phone. And to add to that atrocity, he decided to pay her a visit– Fudge.

During the awkward breakfast, there was a hollow feeling in the pit of her stomach eating at her. And it all fell apart when she looked up at him, and they shared a single magical glance.

To say the least, she was stunned. He had striking features–blessed with round eyes which were a rare shade of deep green, his cheeks and chin were covered with a short brown beard. He had ash brown disarrayed hair. But the undeniable attraction was the glow of Allah almighty's light all over him.

That one glance was ruining her. She groaned irritatingly, tossing her book at the ground. No, she couldn't read; she couldn't think. What was going on? One glance, and she went cuckoo all of a sudden? Zoya shot out of the armchair, then plodded to the bathroom. She would take a shower until she had her senses back.

As soon as the water spilled over her head, she sighed in relief. Usually when she suffered from severe headaches, she would either take a lengthy shower or just fall into prostration. Falling into a sujood whenever she was tired, torn, sad or frustrated, had become a habit. Allah always helped her through those tough times better than anything else.

Zoya got dressed into her long navy shirt and jeans, then straight away headed to open the book of Allah. That was the main solution to every problem. She read Surat Al Yousuf and the trials he outlived. Subhan Allah, how could we complain when the prophets had such a difficult test themselves; Allah always made it easier. Zoya smiled at the verses. Even after what Yousuf (as)'s brothers had done to him he never uttered a hateful word.

"He said, "No blame will there be upon you today. Allah will forgive you; and He is the most merciful of the merciful." -12:92
Indeed this ayat arises a splint of hope and encouragement within our hearts that's Allah almighty would forgive us

"Zoya, come downstairs!"

Zoya kept her Quran back on the shelve, then proceeded to head downstairs. Her mother had probably called her for dinner. Bilal was already at the table, gawking at the food. Zoya looked around, searching for her father.

"Nadeem's not home yet," her mother muttered. Zoya's eyebrows furrowed in curiosity. He was always back home before dinner. What had happened today?

"Don't worry Zoe. He must've had some work," her mom smiled at her. Despite the abnormal thoughts running through her head, she sat next to Bilal. Bilal dived right in, filling his plate with some kebabs and rice.

Something wasn't right. She didn't feel too well anymore. Her stomach muscles clenched, a feeling which occurred only when she was frightened or nervous. She tried to contain her emotions; however, Mariam was a mother, and a mother notices even the smallest of difficulties her child was going through.

"Zoya," she spoke, reaching out to hold Zoya's hand in hers. "Nothing is wrong, okay? Calm, stay calm," she uttered.

"I'm fine mom," Zoya whispered, clutching onto her hand tightly.

Just then the door slammed open and in emerged her pale faced father. Immediately, Zoya jerked up from her chair, sprawling to hug him. She didn't know why her heart was suddenly beating restlessly, but as soon as her father was before her eyes, she felt a huge burden had weighted off her shoulders. Her father was home: safe and sound.

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