Chapter 2: more information

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    I woke up violently , nightmares are never fun. But then again neither is getting stranded on a strange planet. I looked over to Greg and saw he was still asleep. Getting up, I decided to scan myself to check for disease. 


Scan complete. No disease. Whew. I left a note for Greg and exited the lifepod. I dove into the water and searched the shallows. They seemed to be one of the safest places but I shouldn't keep my hopes up. I managed to get more materials, a lot more materials.
    I treked back to the life pod to drop some items off and possibly make some things. As I climbed in I saw Greg was awake but looked as if he was debating on going out himself. I just gave a small 'hi' and immediately went to the fabrication station. I fabricated a fabricator (ironically), I also fabricated a couple radiation suits.
   "If you're going out it would be safe to use this", I spoke kindly handing one of the suits over to Greg.
   "Thanks" He said and he put it on.
   "No problem", I smiled." Well I'm going to scan those parts I saw while I was out. Feel free to join me", I said and I hopped out of the lifepod. Greg followed me out.
   We swam to the large metals parts and wreckage pieces. Greg cought a few fish and scanned some plants. While he was doing that I scanned the wreckage.
     After scanning I had found all the pieces to the seaglide and a piece to the seamoth. I went to the surface before going back for Greg. When we were both above the water I told him about the island and asked him to come with. He agreed and we set out for the island.
      We were about half way to the island. A large disturbance in the water sent Greg and I to the side.
   "WHAT WAS THAT?!", Greg yelled swimming over to me.
    "I don't know", I said freaked out. Greg grabbed my arm and started pulling me along towards where I said the island was.
   When we felt it was safe, Greg let go and let me swim myself. I was feeling better, until I felt something touching my leg. I tried to keep swimming and act like it wasn't there.
      I was hard to pretend it wasn't though. Greg looked over and knew something was off. He was about to say something when I pointed and said there's the island. He looked and we booked it to the island. Once we got on shore we looked back out into the water. I saw the head of the weird creature from before looking at us, sadly it seemed.
    Maybe it was planning to eat us maybe not. We don't intend to find out. I told Greg where I saw some destroyed buildings and where I remembered them being. He said he'd go check them out and collect some things. I stayed behind and looked around on the beach.
   As I walked I thought I saw something off in the water. It was far enough from where we arrived. I walked to see if I could get a better look at it. I went to take another step only to find there was no ground beneath me.
      I screamed as I fell. When I made contact with the water, something definitely heard me. I resurfaced and tried to get my bearings, it didn't help that it was night. I went under and looked around. When I saw a weird, huge snake like creature I was terrified. It caught sight of me and roared probably one of the most blood curdling noise I've ever heard. It started to swim towards me, I was paralyzed with fear. It got so close one of It's wierd pincher things almost touched me.
   Another loud road stopped the snake like creature in it's tracks. I looked over to see the creature from before. It charged the creature infront of me. I watch in horror as the two creatures fought in front of me. I stopped when I realized my vision was becoming clouded. I swam up to the surface and heaved violently and air filled my lungs. I saw the water turn an odd shade of black. I hesitantly went back under to see the creature that had been watching Greg and I , holding the other creature in it's mouth. It dropped the other creature and swam over to me.
    I was expecting it to try and attack me. But it didn't, it just approached me and looked at me. I took a risk and scanned it. An Emperor Leviathan. Very dangerous. That doesn't help your anxiety. I took another risk and touched it's head. It acted like as puppy. It was relieving to know it wasn't planning to hurt me.

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