Chapter 45

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Adrian POV

I go back home and ran to the room that looks like a dungeon.
I take the man away from the Jake and throw him against the wall.
"Where is she!" I growl at him.

I still have some members that weren't injured looking for Lily.

"Where's who?"

"Wrong answer." I tell him as I close the door.
I can't have yelling outside of this room.
I know my back and arms are dripping blood. I don't care if I'm missing a limb there's no way I'm going to leave this man alone. After the fact that he's playing around over here.

"Here let me show you how much your life means to me."
I open up a cabinet and started to take out things.

"I'll give you another chance where is she?" I question him giving Jake some tools.

"Who?" He looks at me with laughter in his eyes.
Jake catches that and takes out a tiny scalpel.
The scalpel is so small, yet it's so sharp it could easily cut his flesh open.

The man still doesn't sense he's in danger and looks at us bored.

I growl at him. Why I'm I going to keep him alive? He's going to die wether he talks or not.
The only thing that will possibly change would be the pain. If he talks I'll just kill him and done. But if he refuse to speak well then I have no choice but to torture him until he dies a very slow painful death.

"Where is she!" I growl again getting annoyed even more.

"Who?" He starts to play stupid once more. I slam my hands on the table where all the tools are. I see blood drip down my hands. Ignoring my cuts I walk close up to him grabbing his neck. I look at him in the eyes as I started to squeeze. As he was turning purple Jake walks up to me and told me to let go.

Growling I ignored him and placed more pressure against his neck.
I feel Jake grab my hand and made me let go.
I let go and see the rouge gasping for air.
"We can't kill him yet. We still don't know anything." Jake says with a stern face.

I could tell that he wanted to kill the man, but didn't want to risk loosing all the information we could get.

I hear a knock I see Jake open it revealing the alpha.

"You haven't killed him yet?" He asks narrowing his eyes at us.

I growl at him not in the mood for anything. He growls back at me.
"Don't disrespect me."

I back down. "Right. Well Alpha we wanted to find Lily and the best way is of course torture."

I see my father narrow his eyes at the rouge. He walks up to him and grabs the rouge by the face.
He then turns back at me and tells me,
"Why are you wasting your time? He clearly knows something but it's your job to get it out."
He lets go of the rouge face and sits down on the chair at the back as if he wanted to see the entire thing.

I see Jake look at me and I just gave a slight growl.
I transform to a wolf and I walked up to him menacingly. I look at him and began to slash as his torso.
I figured I would do more damage in this form.

I'm not one for torture but this time is different. I want him to tell me we're Lily is and I won't give up.
As I kept on slashing blood dripped off his body hitting the floor.

I back off and I looked at Jake so Jake could ask him once more where is lily.

"Now where is lily? And don't act stupid that won't work." Jake growls at the rouge.
The rouge laughs and after a second started to cough up blood.
I could feel my self smile I wanted this thing dead.

"There is no Lily."

I could feel myself getting angrier by the second.

"The one you call Lily is dead." The rouge smiles at me his teeth covered in blood.
Before I knew it I slashed him, cutting his torso making his guts spill out.

I felt like I couldn't breathe my entire world was falling. How could the thing I care for the most be dead.

Seeing this Jake grabbed me.
"Adrian you will end up hurting yourself if you think like this."

Jake was wrong.
He doesn't know the feeling of having your mate taken away from you.
Hell, he doesn't even know the feeling of having one.
I transform back into my human form.

Ignoring Jake I go up to my room and it hit me.
Lily was in here. I could smell her still.
From the last time we were in here. I fall down on my knees thinking this is what's left only her scent.
I will never forget how intoxicated it is.
I wrap my head and started to tell myself she's not dead so stop acting like she is.

I get up and walked outside. No one was here everyone was either in the infirmary or searching for Lily.
Jake ran outside calling my name.

"They've found something." I hear him yell.
That made me freeze. They found something?
Once Jake was next to me he started yelling at me.
"What's the matter with you didn't you hear me? We found the hideout. It's in ending of the forest in the west. Miles said that it's a cave and it's the only one there. So it won't be hard to find-"

I didn't hear the rest I already transformed and was running toward the cave.

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