25 - Torture in All Its Forms

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First place: Miss Fye

Second place: Lord Arken

Third place: Sir Garret

Fourth place: Sir Antwerp

Fifth place: Sir Ulrich

Fye had done it. By some miracle, she had obtained the top spot. Perhaps it had been Sir Reuben's threat to the judges, or maybe it had been the spirit of an angel possessing her and carrying her through the melee until she and Lord Arken were the only ones left.

The day replayed in her mind. She had won the melee. Now she only had to make it through the jousting.

If she ever moved again.

Xander must have carried her back to her tent. She woke up on her bed, without her armor on. Lady Ayla must have been in; her shoulder had been patched up again.

She had never been so exhausted.

She lay there for a while, drifting in and out of sleep, oblivious to the noises outside the tent. Reality caught her in its clutches only when she heard a familiar cold, stiff voice outside the tent. "Xander, isn't it?" Lord Arken's voice asked. "I hear that you and Miss Fye are to be congratulated."

"Convince me I shouldn't kill you where you stand." Good boy, Xander.

"I was not responsible for the attempt on Miss Fye's life this morning. I disapprove of her presence in the tournament—regardless of the skills she has demonstrated. However, I would not resort to such diabolical tactics. I am a man or honor."

"That's why you're trying to steal Winterhaven?"

"You have only heard my brother's side of the story. I have no need to explain myself to you or to any other man. Suffice it to say that my brother is a coward who does not deserve Winterhaven. I came here to inform you that I looked into the matter of the assassination attempt on Miss Fye. You may want to direct your attention to Sir Garret. He is highly offended by Miss Fye's choice to wear men's clothes and engage in a man's profession."

"So are a lot of people."

"But you do not know Sir Garret. He... of rather staunch opinions. I have prepared him to be interrogated. Where is Sir Reuben? I feel that he will be interested in this matter."

"Take me to Garret."

"I believe Sir Reuben is—"

"Take me to Garret." Xander's tone invited no argument. The growl in his voice was reminiscent of Reuben's scariest moments. The sound made Fye smile.

Lord Arken must have given into Xander's demand; Fye heard footsteps receding away from her tent. She tried to get out of bed, wanting to follow them. After all, she was the one who had been attacked, and if there was any interrogating or torturing to be done, Fye ought to be the one to do it! Her body refused to budge. She would have to get the details of the interrogation out of Xander later.



Xander's eyes traveled between Lord Arken and Sir Garret. Sir Garret and Lord Arken. Sir Garret sat in the middle of the tent, tied to a chair. Nearby, a vat of hot oil waited, as did other instruments of torture.

"This is a ploy to get me to believe that he did it?" Xander asked as the ire rose in him. Sir Garret had never even spoken to Fye. He hadn't even looked at her! To think that he had paid the assassin... the notion was preposterous. Yes, he might not approve of what Fye was doing, but he hadn't been nearly as forthright about expressing his disdain as certain other people had been—people like Lord Arken.

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