Chapter Three

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Dedication: NotToday for the amazing cover she made for me, thank you very much for it - I love it! <3

To your right. ---->>>>>

:) <3


I was most comfortable at home. I didn't have to hide, or not speak my real thoughts. I could just be myself. I live in a small place up on the peak of a hill, with my Dad and brother.  We weren't rich or have an exotic house or anything, but we were happy, comfortable and cosy. I liked it that way. I liked the imperfection.

My Dad was a tall man who was a builder with rough hands, like sand paper. He had many years of hard labour to result that. We currently didn't have a car, as he had a 'slight disagreement with a tree', as he put it.

He was rebuilding the engine, so I was forced to walk up and down our hill twice a day going to and from school. I didn't mind the walk most days, but I hated the walk with a passion when it was pouring rain.

My brother was so laid back, that my father usually joked if he was anymore laid back he'd be in a coma. He was eighteen and finished school. He didn't really have a name for his job. He delivered cigarettes, ick, I hate them, to different places.

He was given a car and didn't have to pay for the petrol he needed. It was a pretty sweet deal actually. The rest of the time, he just laid on the lounge, glued to either his Xbox or PSP.  I'm not exactly what he saved his money for. Video games, I guess?

"Yoooooooouuuuuuu-whooooooooo." I called out as soon as my body was inside the door. It was a little tradition of mine to call out something when I got home, to declare my presence. I know it sounds silly, but whatever. I've done it for years - why stop now?

I walked through the house, making a beeline for my room. I shrugged my bag off, removed my jewellery and changed into a loose top and shorts. I threw my hair into a messy bun and emerged feeling refreshingly more human.  

"Hey Luke," I greeted.

He just raised his hand and I bumped knuckles with him as I fell back onto the vacant part of the lounge. I placed my feet on the small coffee tabled and rested my head back, watching him play 'Halo'. This was our usual hello. 

"Where's Dad?" I asked.

Wordlessly, he jerked his thumb behind him in a vague direction of the garage. I nodded, making my way out there. I opened the back door and skipped down the stairs. I went around the back and entered the garage.

"Oh, hello!" Dad grinned, emerging around from his desk as soon as he heard me come in. "Is it that time already?"  

"Yes," I laughed. I went and hugged him, the smell of oil and grease hitting my nose instantly. I scrunched up my face. I should be used to the smell by now. "What are you working on?"  

"Just the engine still. It still needs a lot of work. What happened to your lip?"  

"Oh, nothing." I said with a casual shrug, almost forgetting about it. The throbbing had eased down, so I hadn't thought much of it. I thought I'd just change the subject and avoid further questions about the incident. "Need help?"  

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