Chapter 3: Kidnapped?

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Jonathan drove silently, not even glancing down once at her. He didn't want to start a fight between the two, yet. He could tell she was on the verge of crying, due to her sniffles.

Reagan noticed they stopped and she looked up, they were at what looked like a old abandoned house. She looked at him and furrowed her brows. He returned the look.

"Am I going to get-" She started but was interrupted.

"No, I may have kidnapped you but I wouldn't go as far as to do that." He said in a slightly irritated tone. When Jonathan got out, she stayed in the car. She refused to get out. Reagan looked down at her lap when he opened the door. "Get out." He demanded.

"...No." She shook her head. He sighed.

You're acting like a little kid. He thought.

He tried another approach, "If it makes you feel any better, I lied earlier. About the toxin." He smiled a fake smile. But it reassured her slightly. Reagan swallowed hard but got out of the car. He shut the door behind her and she flinched. Jonathan walked at a faster pace.

As soon as they walked into the house, Reagan began to see things swirl again.

Not now.. She clenched her jaw tight, waiting for the worst. Jonathan disappeared behind a door. A few seconds later, a scruffy man, who looked to be about forty came out. He towered over her.

"Hello there, Miss...?" He stuck out his hand, and waited for her to answer.

"Reagan.." She let out slowly and took his hand. He squeezed it and he forced her arm to go in an up and down motion rather quickly.

"Alrighty then, Miss, names Buster. Have a good ol time here, okay?" Buster moved to the corner of the room to a table, and sat. Reagan looked around. It was a little too dark for comfort. She sighed and sat down. She looked at herself. Still wearing the clothes from earlier. Reagan shook her head.

When is Jonathan coming back..? She spoke to herself again.

It's not like she wanted him to come back, but she didn't really want to be stuck in here with a big guy who has the potential to kill her. It's like Jonathan read her mind, because he came out from the mysterious door. He looked at her a motioned for her to come over.

Reagan walked inside. There was nothing except for old furniture, and it was a little damp. There were bottles on the table. Something illegal Reagan assumed.

"Sit there, please." He pointed to the old chair about in the center of the room. She didn't exactly trust him yet, but she couldn't exactly do anything. Reagan started to see things again. She needed her medicine. He wouldn't let her get it though.

Something flew across the room. A vase.

"D-Did you see that?!" She screamed. Jonathan looked at what he was doing, to her. He looked at her like she was crazy. But then again, anyone with Schizophrenia would be wouldn't they? Yes.

"See what?" He tried to act concerned, it was his job as a psychologist, right? But honestly he didn't. He couldn't even care less about the girl, she was just a test subject to him anyway. He eyed her as she stared at him.

"The vase! It flew across the room.." He shook his head and continued with his work. It stabbed the top of the medicine bottle with the syringes needle. He flicked it and made sure it'd work when he would inject it into his subject.

"Please, I need you to stay still.." He muttered but even that she could hear.

"Aren't you going to clean my arm first? I don't want an infection..." She looked away from him and the needle. He sighed heavily and went back, he pulled a little alcohol pad out. Truth be told, Reagan was braving it out. She knew the burly man outside could make her hold still. So she didn't question what it was he was giving her.

Psycho (Jonathan/Scarecrow)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat