Chapter 9 - Start of war

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Chapter 9

Anthony's POV!

Oh my god, she talked, she told me she loved me, this is amazing, her voice was like music to my ears.

"Your voice is beautiful, can you say something else for me?" she looked at her hands witch i took in mine, she nodded.

"A-A-An-n-t-t-h-ho--o-n-n-y- Anthony, I-I I " 

"It's fine, you said my name at least" she nodded then hugged me, when she said my name it sent tingles down my spin, i loved how she said it.

" Tomorrow i have to go do alpha stuff but i'll come home after i'm done, its only a few more days till your Luna my Angel" i told her, she squeezed me tighter, i lifter her up bridal style and went to go sit on the couch. She snuggled up into my chest, which i love may i add.

"Hey Angel, did a rogue really kill your mum?" she looked at me with hurt filled eyes.

"Y- yes" she said, i nodded at her and pulled her closer to my chest, at least her dad wasn't lying about that.

Time past and Angel had fallen asleep , i carried her up the stairs to my room and put on her new PJ's she bought, she didn't move that much, i took of my clothes and got into bed and pulled her closer to me.

Angel's POV!

I woke up in bed with my new PJ's on, Anthony had his arm over me and he looks so cute sleeping, i stroked his face, he moved and i shut my eyes hoping he didn't wake up.

"I know your awake" he chuckled, his chest vibrated against me, i opened my eyes and he kissed me, pushing his tongue in, He pulled away and smiled at me, why was he smiling?.

He jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs, wait what?, i ran down after him, he was at the door talking to someone, the guy came into vow, he had sandy brown hair and bright blue eyes, his eyes met mine.

"You must be Angel, or Luna what do you prefer?" he asked, i looked at Anthony who nodded.

"A-An-n-g-g-e-l Angel" i said, he nodded and smiled, i went up the stairs to have a shower and get changed, "when you coming down?" i heard Anthony's voice, oh the mind link is working now, great note the sarcasm.

I went down stairs to find that man and Anthony sitting laughing on the couch.

"Angel this is my friend George, we have known each other since we were kids, he is the Alpha of another pack" i nodded at George who had a big grin on his face, i kissed Anthony on the cheek and went to make breakfast.

George's POV!

I couldn't believe it when Anthony phoned saying he needs help, but he hasn't told me what yet, his mate Angel is really nice, she's cute too. She came back through with a bacon sandwich and she sat next to Anthony, it surprised me when she couldn't talk really good but i guess she has a reason.

"So how have you been Anthony?" i asked.

"Great" he grinned.

"And you Angel how have you been?" 

she nodded and smiled, d'aw she's so cute, lucky Anthony. I haven't found my mate yet but i now she's out there and i will find her soon.

Angel's POV! 

George seems like a nice guy, i left them to catch up while i went to hang up my new clothes and tidy Anthony's room which is still a total pig sty.

 I went back down stairs and brought the bin up and the washing basket, I grabbed an arm full of clothes that were scattered across the floor and put them into the washing basket, i don't care if there clean or not, i picked up the rubbish, crisp packets and sweetie rappers, ewww what a dirty mate i have, i opened the window and cartons to let some light in.

I hovered and changed the sheets on the bed, i walked down the stairs with the big over filling washing basket, ew, i put most of it in the washing machine, while i waited for that i looked around, the whole place was a mess. I started cleaning the upstairs toilet, cleaning out the shower and the toilet pan, even the sink and mirror.

From there i cleaned the whole house, doing lots of washing, i was hanging it outside when a little boy ran into me, he must have been playing with the other kids because they all gasped.

"Sorry Luna i never meant to" he said, he must only be about 6, he was so cute.

"t-t-that's o-okay c-c-all me A-Angel" i said smiling, i picked him up off the ground and dusted him off, he grinned at me, then ran off to play with the other kids. i finished hanging up the washing on the line when George walked out of the house with Anthony, he waved at me and jogged over.

"i'll be a few hours i'll be home soon love" he kissed me and ran back to George.

I finished cleaning the house, having all the windows open can get cold so i put on one of Anthony's jumpers, i sat watching TV when i was about to fall asleep, i should shut the windows now, i walked around the house shutting all the windows, but leaving the cartons open in Anthony's room.

I sat back on the couch and started watching teen wolf, it was good as well.

I was woken up by someone shaking me, i opened my eyes and saw Anthony.

"Why did you fall asleep? are you feeling okay? " he asked, i nodded and rubbed my eyes, he kissed my head, i glanced at the clock, i have only been sleeping for an hour or so, Anthony sat on the couch and pulled me onto his lap.

"Missed you Angel" he said.

"m-m-is-sed y-you too" i said, he grinned and kissed me on my lips.

"I have to tell you something" i nodded for him to continue "Your father will be here next week, he's going to attack and get you back but believe me when i say this, he is not going to get his hands on you" i nodded, i was terrified, not for me but for Anthony.

"ROGUES"  that's the alarm.

Anthony jumped up and started pulling me out the door, he looked around and headed for a barn, i ran beside him holding his hand. We got in the barn, there were a few kids in here and woman, there were still some coming. Anthony kissed me and told me to stay here, one of the kids were looking for there mum.

"Mummy you here?" he was crying, i walked up to him and opened my arms to him, he hesitated but then crashed his small body to mine, he cried into my shoulder.

"D-d-ont worry y-y-your m-mummy w-w-ill be here s-soon" i told him, i lifted him up and walked back to were i was sitting and sat him on my lap. More people came in but there was no sign of this kids mother. i asked him what his name was and it was Tommy, Tommy had red hair with brown eyes, he was adorable.

Then the fight began........

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