Author's Note

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I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has read Misbegotten. Together, we have reached the end of the story and I couldn't be more grateful. The response has been amazing and I never thought so many people would enjoy something I wrote so much. It has been a truly inspiring experience getting to share this story with you all and I'm so glad that Sofia and her life has been so loved by you all. 

At this current time, I am not planning a sequel, but as the readers the story lives on in your minds and hearts and I hope whatever adventures Sofia goes on with you bring laughter and light.

I will be posting a new story eventually, but I want to avoid the four month long waits between chapters so I am going to spend time writing up the majority of the draft before posting, so it can be a bit more refined and there doesn't need to be as long as a wait.

Thank you all again, lots of love.

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