Chapter Three

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A/n: I think Gajeel from fairytail looks abit like what Seth would be like, but as I said before, its not a FT fan fic so i can change between Gifs :)

"My dear, here we must run as fast as we can, just to stay in place. And if you wish to go anywhere you must run twice as fast as that."
―Lewis Carroll,  Alice In Wonder Land

After a tour of the school, most of which Seth made crude comments and assumptions about the school and my life, which of course, none where remotely close

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After a tour of the school, most of which Seth made crude comments and assumptions about the school and my life, which of course, none where remotely close.

"You do realise we missed second period cause of you." I muttered to him, feeling my mood somehow lowering even more. It was about to be break time, which meant the halls flooded with students and acting stupid for 15 minutes. Which I usually avoid by slipping off into one of my hiding spots, if Ally doesn't see me and drag me to his group. Of course, I couldn't do that with Seth here. I glance back at him, noting that he's silent, and from what I've seen of this boy so far, Seth doesn't do silent. I stop and face up to him.

"Everything OK?" I ask, watching as he seemed a little zoned out, however, at my voice, his eyes snap down to focus on me, and what I'm starting to dub as his signature smirk, slowly creeps along his face.

"Awe! Panda cub! You do care!" he exclaims, dramatically holding both hands over his heart.

As I open my mouth to reply, the shrill ring of the bell goes through me, bouncing off all the walls, making me jump and look about with wide eyes. The deep, rumbling laugh beside me makes me peer up shyly, my face feeling a fraction hotter than before.

Within moments, we're surrounded by other students, groups of S1 and S2 zooming by, not really caring about who or what they might knock over in their way, S3 and S4 students tended to hang about and maybe look into some books as a form of lax studying before this years big exams, while S5 and S6 students tended to be the obnoxious students of the school, strutting about, being loud, picking on the younger students, if they weren't in the library studying last minute for yet another exam or prelim.

Feeling my anxiety creeping up and not having Ally or my best friend, Faith, to press myself into, I felt my body stay stiff, scratching at my wrist absent-mindedly whilst my eyes darted around. I could feel the judging eyes on me, almost as if everyone could read all my secrets written over my skin, hear their voices in my head, telling me the harsh truths that I already know. God knows, I'd often had them beaten into me.

I'm suddenly jolted back into reality when I feel the heavy weight of an arm slung around my shoulder, tugging me closer into a hard body and I cant help but to squeak out my surprise and shock. The body gently tugs me towards a hallway with a lot less traffic.

Peeking up at my kidnapper, expecting Ally from the size of body, I'm surprised to see Seth, occupied with his, or our, surroundings. Up this close, I can smell his aftershave, and although I don't know much, I know that Seth Granger smells amazing!

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