Locked doors

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Goal to Get the next chapter is below

You guys are amazing the goal of last time was more than achieved thanks a lot. Once again you are the best and As promised this the update ( I ❤ you people )

"Come on Phia ! You need to eat! It's been hours." Mitchy begged again and again hoping for me to get out. Being childish and all the only solution i found to escape my reality is to run to Axel's room and lock myself in. Ideas of fleeing the country started to colonize my mind and I even started to pick between my favorite countries.

"Phia please...My mother is gone I promise." Mitchy promised and that made me smile this might be my only chance to run away

"You are not running away phia." Mitchy yelled at me through the door as if he read my own thoughts.

"Mitchy , please let me escape. I married a stranger to honor my dad. I obliged to that I know and clearly it was a mistake but now giving birth to an unwanted child? I cannot do it, Mitchy. I cannot bring another human to this world and then crush his or her soul by telling them that they are the result of a clause and no love..." I begged while tears filled my eyes and started to draw their way on my cheeks.

"Phia, please don't cry. I wish I can help." Mitchy pleaded with a broken tone filled with worry as he gathered be between his strong arms. Mitchy , like Axel , had blue eyes and a well built body. All their family members looked like they were flawless beings. Yet only one is as handsome from the outside and the inside and that is Mitchell...Whenever I was feeling worthless, lonely, hurt and rejected by Axel, Mitchell was there to put my broken heart together and make me smile again if not giggle 

"Mitchy, he is in love with another woman. He brings her to our house, to what suppose to be our room and bed. He told me from the very start that I meant nothing for him, that I was a mere stranger and that I shall stay that way. He ignored me for years and flaunted his cheesy relation with Liza whenever I am near. I even had to cook for both of them when she stayed because I couldn't let them starve...I am used but I refused to be abused. I cannot give him myself. I do not love him and he does not care about me at all. He forgets my birthday, hardly says good morning and good night to me... I just cannot be with him. I want a divorce. " I cried to Mitchell's chest as he hugged me closer and tried to comfort me

"My brother is an idiot. He does not know how great you are and one day he will be sorry for losing you. " Mitchell continued to calm me down 

"I want to escape." I begged him

"My mum made the guards promise to keep track of you and Axel." Mitchell brokenly admitted and that made my tears fall harder. I am literally jailed and kept under watch.

"If I file for divorce will Axel lose our share of the company?" I questioned in a little voice as I tried to silence my sobs

"All our shares and our dads'work will vanish. All will go to Mr. Black and that's why my mum won't let that happen. I tried to talk to her but she knows for sure that he will sell the company or bring it to the ground. That company and this mansion is all we have left from our father. My mother considers the company to be her first born. She was there and helped when our dads built it. She loves that place and that's why she is being mean to you." Mitchy explained as we walked downstairs to the dining room and my stomach rumbled with anger as I skipped breakfast and lunch.

"Can't we get Liza to give her an heir?" I questioned as I took a seat and Mitchy sat close beside me 

"Liza won't put an extra pound for her own life let alone carry a child. I don't get how Axel fell for her but my mother and I can see her true colors. My mum likes you way more by the way." Mitchy announced happily and I couldn't help but doubt

"It is because I gave her a kidney." I disapproved and Mitchy like always took my Russian salad plat to take the peas out 

"Nope, I am serious." He assured me again

"Then it is because I never ratted your brother's extramarital affair to the press." I argued back

"Nope again, she said that you remind her of her old best friend a little, anuty Sonia. She was the nicest lady ever a good two shoes like yourself." Mitchy teased as he filled his mouth with a spoon of peas.

"I hate peas." I declared and Mitchy nodded in a silly way with a wide grin

"I know." he replied then took another spoon filled it with salad and begun to feed me like a child.

"I can eat alone." I wanted to steal the spoon out of his hand but he continued to playfully tease me and chase away from my hold

"Give her the spoon. She is old enough to eat alone." the comment made me tense right away as it killed whatever playful atmosphere that Mitchy created 

"She needs someone to take care of her. So when you , her husband, are not paying her attention I will." Mitchell replied with seriousness and his gaze became as hard as that of Axel. Axel looked angrier than usual and a bit tired. His eyes looked troubled and uneasy. His fists clutched and his knuckles white as snow.

"She seems okay to me , not needing your care or anyone else's. I, on the other hand, have the right to go wherever, whenever I please and be with the people that I love. It isn't it bad enough that I am forcefully married to a whiny selfish worthless girl?" Axel questioned with venom and my tears yet again filled my eyes and I lost my appetite.

"I am not happily married to a prince charming either." I mumbled but loud enough for both men to hear, then stood and started walking back to Axel's room leaving a furious Mitchell who kept on telling Axel how stupid he is, that I didn't eat anything for a whole day, that he will regret this sooner or later and that their mother would kill him if something bad happened to me. Drowning in misery as the past two years replayed in my mind, I closed the door and locking it behind me having no will or power to see him again today.

Goal this time is 70 votes and 22 comments ( Let's see if we can reach this)

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