Problem Part 4

684 13 1

Inaho: *sits on couch and slowly starts moving closer to Slaine*

Inaho: So lately, I've been...going through *voice crack* puberty. And sometimes my voice cracks, and sometimes people think I'm a... *puts arm around slaine* shota.

Slaine: *embarrassed high pitch sound*

Inaho: *smirks* Hey, wanna remake transferring Aldnoah with me? I'll make you the star.

Slaine: *Now laying down on couch, Inaho pinning him down*

Nina: Hey! There's no baby making in my facility!

Inaho: What are you gonna do you *voice crack* side character?

Nina: *throws egg into hallway*

Inaho: *Scared scream* No no no no no! *goes into hallway*

Nina: *throws eggs outside house and into street*

*car crash sounds and honking and ambulance sirens everywhere*

Nina: *comes back*

Nina: Well, now that that's over... What are all of your guys' problems?

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