Chapter one...

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     She was just a young kid when she had lost her parents from a car crash. She was only four years old , that is one of the worst ages you could be to lose the ones that you love the most because that is the time you start understanding more and more and you learn to love them dearly.
     Hi, my name is Vanessa Renae Smith. When I was only a little tot my parents died instantly from a car crash when they were on their way back home from their wonderful date night. Unfortunately, for them their date night ended way too soon. They drowned almost instantly when my father made the stupid decision to have a drink and he missed the turn before you get onto the bridge.
     Yes, I know what you are thinking.
"Oh this is so sad." Or "I can't read this book anymore." Or "how terrible." But no I'm okay. The day after my parents died I was sent to my aunt's house and from there I was transferred to an orphanage for girls. I was almost certain that no one that came through those doors would want me. I was devastated. I was wrong though. I was only there at this orphanage for three days before the most wonderful and most perfect parents walked through and chose me. Out of all girls there. They chose me.
     I have lived with this family for thirteen years. They have blessed me beyond measure. They feel like they are my real parents because I've lived with them for so long. It doesn't even feel weird calling them mom and dad. I still remember the first time that I called them mom and dad. They looked at me in awe, tears were shed and they held me in their arms for so long. It was so worth it.
     I can never thank them enough for taking me under their sheltering wings and calling me their own. I never would have imagined life being this way. Because of losing my parents at the age of four, I have suffered with depression and flashbacks. Yes I'm happy with the family that I have right now. But people don't realize how terrified I am to lose them too. You can lose someone in the blink of an eye. Now that I'm old enough to recognize all the damages done in my life, I can't help but to always be anxious and to struggle with depression.
  (   Now that the sad part is over, I hope you are still reading my story. If you are congrats because there's a wonderful adventure ahead. )

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2017 ⏰

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