||Chapter 11||

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I cried and I cried.
It felt like hours and I didn't even realize how late it was until it became dark.
It was still pouring rain.
My whole body felt wet as I grabbed a cab back to my apartment.

I walked in and after closing the door behind me, I leaned on it and tears started to fall uncontrollably again.
I went through a lot. But all those things, they broke me. They made me insecure and depressive.

I took a warm, long shower and ate something and went to bed. I set my alarm for 6am incase I didn't wake up.
I felt so tired I just wanted to sleep. I fell back on my bed and closed my eyes. I fell asleep almost instantly.

I woke up to myself screaming, panting and sweating. I looked at my watch.
4 am...

I knew I wouldn't get anymore sleep so I got up and took a shower. I put a long sleeved black  t-shirt and a pair of tight jeans.
I decided to pack my things so I got cartoon boxes out and put my few clothes and things inside.
It was only 6am so I decided to read a book until the men would come for my things.
I read for half an hour until they came.
I didn't even had to do or say anything, they just grabbed the boxes, put them in the van, and came back for more.
It took them about 10 minutes until they drove off.

I was about to go grab a cab but a familiar black Porsche stopped next to me.
The door to the passenger seat flew open and I could hear Mr.Queen's voice shouting,
"Get in!"
I sighed and entered the car
Inside, Mr. Queen seemed to be in a wonderful mood.
"Morning, sunshine."
I wasn't too happy for him to see me now since I didn't put any concealer on and you could see my dark circles and my hair were down and wavy.

"Morning, and Mr Queen."
I noticed he had sunglasses on, a casual white t-shirt, dark jeans and messy hair.
I held my breath as I noticed how handsome he looked.

"If we're not at work you can call me Damon." He stated.
"How generous of you to let me call you by your name." I teased him.

He parked outside the penthouse and I sighed.
I didn't notice when he walked out of the car and opened the door for me. He didn't wear his sunglasses anymore and I could see his cold eyes again.

I walked out and he placed a hand on my shoulder, leading me towards the hotel.

We went into the elevator and even though it was his private elevator, it still took at least 10 minutes for it to reach the 70th and something floor.
There was an awkward silence until he decided to speak.

"Mind telling me why you ran out like that yesterday?" My heart began to beat faster.
"I was just t-tired." I stated nervously.
"I see. And did you get a good night sleep?" God why does he has to ask so many questions?

I didn't answered. He took that as a no.
The elevator finally opened and I rushed out but I didn't really know where my room was.

Suddenly, Damon grabbed me by the waist and whispered in my ear, making me shiver,
"This way, sweetheart."

He led me into the direction of his own room.
But next to his door, a couple meters away was an another door.
He wants my room right next to his?

"I wanted to keep you close."

Those words made me held my breath and bit my lip.
He opened the door and invited me in.
I walked shyly inside and I gasped.
It wasn't something as breathtaking as his bedroom, it didn't even had a chandelier. It was also 2 times smaller.

But the style, the view... it was as if it was made just for me. I loved it.
"I love it." I said as a smile formed on my lips.
"That's good, make yourself at home." He stated still standing at the door, watching me carefully.
I threw myself on the double bed. It was so soft I immediately felt tired.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the softness.
"I'll leave you for now, if you need anything just ask the maids." He said and he was gone.
I decided to take a nap since I only got about 3 hours of sleep last night. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep in such a comfortable bed.

I didn't know why I made her move into my penthouse. It wasn't necessary but I felt like I wanted her close to me.

I feel this weird feeling when she's around me and I think I like it...
And the job was a perfect excuse to do so.
I watched her as she threw herself on the brand new bed and moaned in delight.
I don't think she noticed that there were also doors that connected her room to mine. Of course I locked them, and I'm going to be the only one with the key.

I just hope she'll handle the job well. She really isn't qualified for it...

I knew something was wrong with her, something was always on her mind. It's like she was in constant worry.
I remembered when she admitted that she ran away, I was very curious why, but she'll tell me when she feels comfortable to.
She's a mysterious girl.

I went to answer a few phone calls which took me the maximum of 10 minutes.
I went to see how Natalie was doing but when I opened the door she was asleep.

I took a good look at her and closed the door carefully, not waking her up.
Damn she's so beautiful...

It was 7:45am and I needed to get to work.
I packed my things and grabbed my car keys.
I was out in an instant.
I decided to take my gold Lamborghini today.

I straightened my shirt and entered the meeting. I saw that Mr. Grayson was already sitting at the long white table.
He saw me and immediately stood up. I walked up to him and shook his hand.
We both sat down and I wondered what he had to say.

"Mr. Queen, it's my pleasure that you accepted to meet me today. I must say, I am very sorry about that accident that occurred on the factory last night. The cost will sadly be 10,000 dollars."

"You want me to pay for something your people did, at my factory, with 10,000 dollars?" I stated calmly but I killed him with my stare.

"S-sir I am not able to pay 10,000 dollars right now, you must understand my situation.."
My sweet 10,000 dollars...

"Whatever. I'll pay it. If this ever happens again I'll throw your body into a pool full of piranhas. Now get out."
He murmured some thank you's under his breath and he was out.

I went back to my office and worked on my new project.
There wasn't really much to do so I headed home.

I kept thinking about Natalie on my way back, somehow I feel attracted to her. I want to get to know her and at the same time I don't, because if I do, I know I'll ruin her...

I woke up 2 hours later and I immediately felt better.

As I walked out of my room I noticed another doors. I walked up to them and tried to open them but they were locked.
They must lead to his bedroom!
I wondered if he had the key. Probably.

I walked out of the room into the living room and sat on the couch. No one was here.
Oh right, he has work to do.
But then I heard the ding from the elevator and as I turned around and expected Damon, someone else came out.

You're mine (#1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें