Chapter 14 New Job (Mystery Man's POV)

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Today is her first day at her new school. When I was at the mall yesterday I bought a silver locket for her, with a picture of me inside. I'm standing outside her house, looking up at her window. I look over at the tree and back at her window. I put the box in my pocket and quickly climb the tree to her window I set it on the open windowsill and look inside. My angel is sleeping peacefully in her bed. She looks gorgeous. 

Soon, she'll be sleeping in my bed, with me. I watch for a little bit until her alarm goes off then I climb back down the tree. I stand in front of the house a while longer before leaving. I have a job interview to get ready for.




"Thank you Mr. Stone, you can start right away tomorrow if you'd like." 

I grin at the principle, Mrs. Davis. "Thank you. I'll be here first thing tomorrow."

I leave the school, climbing into the new car I just bought today. It isn't much because I don't want to look suspicious. It's a dark blue, 2017 Nissan Maxima. I pull away from the school driving back to the hotel, where I'm staying. 

I won't go to see Charlotte tonight because I need to get ready for tomorrow. I'm going to be student teaching at Charlotte's school. I'll be in four of her classes, I also have her lunch period. I'll get to see her without drawing attention. I'll also be getting paid, not that I need it, but Charlotte does and I'll be giving my salary to her and her mom.

I won't be unprepared though, I did online college for a few years to become a teacher. I have a license to student teach. So, that's what I'm doing. 




The next morning I arrive at the school early. I walk into Mrs. Aria's English class. "Good morning, Mrs. Ana. I am Lucas Stone, the new student teacher." I don't like it but I had to use a fake name, just in case.

Mrs. Ana is really pretty, not as pretty as Charlotte, but she isn't ugly. She smiles warmly at me. 

"Hello Lucas, you can call me Sam. I'm very sure you'll like it here. This is an advanced class, so the students are mostly well behaved."

"I'm positive I'll like it here." I grin. "So, will I just observe today?"

"Actually I have a meeting to go to, so if you don't mind, I know it's early, but would you mind running the class? I'll introduce you to them, but after that I'll have to leave."

"Of course, that sounds good." Perfect. I'll have a perfect view of Charlotte from the front. Students start filing in and I wait next to Sam for the bell to ring.

One of the first students to walk in is my Charlotte. She looks breathtaking, wearing skinny jeans and a band tee. Nothing could look better on her. She sits in the back of the classroom, but I still have a perfect view of her.

Today is going to be great.

Hey guys! So, what do you think Mystery Man has up his sleeve? I think it's something big, but who knows. I mean I do, but I'm not telling. So, I hope you liked this chapter, I know it's short but as I said most of his chapters are going to be short until something goes down, if anything does. See you guys in the next chapter!

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