24. I Fall Apart

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Extra long chapter! Hope you guys don't mind. ;)


Titus POV

Four days, it had been four days since Brinn's departure. My wolf was on edge and wouldn't let me hear the last of it. His constant whining and mood swings weren't helping the situation either. I had a ton of pack work pilling up by the day. Ryan tried his best to help out, but he had his own duties to attend to. I knew today was the day I needed to get back to work despite the throbbing pain in my chest. I had a pack to run, and I refused to let the pack fail due to my stupid decisions.

Talking to Brinn on the phone the other day helped eased my paranoia a little, but my wolf and I still missed her.

It didn't take a genius to figure out Alex was the one who informed Brinn. I was furious with her at first. It was none of her business to tell my dirty secrets. I still felt the same way, but I wasn't quite as mad at her anymore. I was the root of the problem.

I walked through the pack house, ignoring the looks of pity and concern from the on passing pack members. They hadn't seen me in days, so I understood their concerns. I stayed secluded in my house for days. Only allowing Ryan to visit me, and that was just to update me on the pack's status.

I opened my office door then closed it. Closing my eyes I sighed, this was harder than I thought. Getting back into the swing of things was not going to be a walk in the park.

I took a seat at my desk the mind linked Ryan. Bring Seth to my office.

On it. He replied.

Seth had no business helping Brinn escape. Was I furious? Yes. My wolf wanted to rip him apart at the sight of him. But I promised Brinn I would leave him unharmed. She took a liking towards him, a liking I didn't approve of. But under the circumstances, I had no right to complain.

Seth stumbled into the office with Ryan right behind him. Ryan nodded then left us alone. Seth stared at the ground, refusing to make eye contact. He cleared his throat, "You wanted to speak with me a-alpha." He straightened and stared at the wall behind me, trying not to show weakness. He wouldn't look me in the eye, no, that was a sign of disrespect and my wolf didn't take lightly to disrespect.

"I want to offer you a position as a warrior." My wolf growled in my head, showing his teeth.

Seth's eyes went wide. "W-what?"

"Yes. This is not something I am particularly happy about, but I need to ask a favor of you." He nodded vigorously. "Yes, anything."

"How do you feel about Lilly, your mate?" I needed Lily out of my hair and away from me if I had any chance of getting Brinn back.

His wolf made an appearance through his eyes, excitement rolling through him. "How did you know?"

I rolled my eyes. "I just do."

He nodded. "I care about her, but she seems to be attached to you." I arched my eyebrows, then poured myself a glass of scotch. "She's not attached to me Seth, more like my status."

He squirmed uncomfortably. "Lily doesn't want me." I brushed him off. "Don't worry about Lily."

"Yes alpha."

"You may leave." He hurriedly exited my office.

Now time to deal with Lily.

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