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I was standing at the same sea shore. The waves, like little kids, touching my feet and then running away. The wind, making my hair play with my cheeks and trying to drag my dress along.

Trevor appears from somewhere, his lips twitched up into a smile.

I look at him and smile back. He comes close to me and touches my shoulder, and starts shaking it.

"Sarah! Wake up, come on," he says.

But wait, Trevor does not speak in my mom's voice and wake up for what—Oh, And that's when I opened my eyes.

Back to darkness.

My mum was the one shaking me to wake me up.

"What Mom?" I said, with a sleepy voice.

"It's getting late, girl. Wake up or I'm going to fetch the water."

And like this, Mom blackmails me everyday I don't want to wake up.

"Okay, okay. I am waking up." I sat up lazily.

"Good Girl." Mom said and helped me up.

Well, about the dream, I dreamt everyday of Trevor.

Yes, I started seeing dreams. Since the very day he left me, I started seeing my dreams, regularly. And this was one of them.

Just like today, I didn't want to wake up every morning I dreamt about him. I wanted to live the dream.

Today, Dad was invited for a ceremony held at a colleague's home, the same person who had found me in the forest three months back.

He had had a new baby by his second wife. The first one had died in a car accident.

I met his daughter from the first wife a few months back. She was about my age and she was a nice person, and obviously the one who insisted her father to request Dad to bring me along. So today, I had to go too.

Mom hugged me tight as I stepped out of the room, and I could feel her staring wide eyed at me.

"Oh my baby! You look gorgeous," she said, and hugged me tight.

"Thanks. Mom. But I. Can't. Breathe."

"Oh, okay! But you look extremely beautiful, darling," she said, loosening her grip and then leaving. "So now we should leave. Your Dad's waiting."

"Yeah." I smiled as we left.


We reached on time. Mom helped me sit on the chair as I felt our family friend's daughter come and sit beside me.

"Hello, Sarah! Remember me?" she started the conversation.

"Of course, Ashley." I replied, smilingly.

"You look extremely beautiful." she commented.

"Thanks. I am sure you do too." I grinned.

"Thanks," she chuckled.

In return, I smiled at her and she continued the chat.

While we were talking, my eyes caught sight of Trevor.

He too, was staring back at me.

At first, I thought it was only an illusion.

But from the way he was dressed-formally-said that it was not.

He was actually there.

I felt like I'll get a cardiac arrest the next instant. I couldn't believe I was finally seeing him.

I forgot how to breathe and I felt my heart would jump out of my chest the very next instant.

His eyes held the same spark they had three months ago, also the seriousness.

He soon started talking to someone and during the conversation, he didn't even spare a glance at me.

I too, started looking away.

I pretended as if his presence did not matter to me, just like mine did not matter to him.

But the sky fell on my head when I saw someone's hand, extended in front of me. I traced the path of the hand, only to end up meeting those eyes.

I quickly started looking away, not wanting anyone to even doubt that I could see him.

He wanted me to dance with him. And I pretended as if I hadn't seen anyone's hand extended in front of me.

But the whole trouble came when my mother took my hand and placed it into his.

Of course, she thought I couldn't see his hand, like I couldn't see any other thing.

I didn't know what to do. I could embarrass Trevor by snatching my hand away but I couldn't embarrass my Mom in front of everyone. So I got up from my seat and followed Trevor.

He took my left hand and placed it on his right shoulder. He placed his right hand on my waist. Then, he entangled his left hand with my right one.

We started dancing.

Thanks to mom, I was wearing high heels right now. And because of those, I has to take full support of Trevor in helping myself not to fall.

And although, I was wearing heels, I still couldn't reach Trevor's height. My nose was at the level of his lips.

Right now, he was looking down at me. I wanted to look down too, in order to escape his gaze but it was too hard.

I had to look up, straight into his eyes.

I realized that we were moving away from the people when I finally felt that the place where we stopped, was a little quieter.

I could hear the people due my best hearing ability. But I did feel that we were at a distance from them and they couldn't see us.

Trevor first left my waist, then my hand. But did not step away.

"You hate me right?" he asked.

"I do." I said, trying my best to sound bold.

And I did. I did hate him.

I hated him for betraying me, for shooting my father, for leaving me to get raped by those beasts.

Something flickered through his eyes but as soon as it had come, it went.

"How did you escape Daniel?" he asked, and stepped closer.

"You brought me here for this?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Answer my question first," he ordered, stepping even closer.

We were still having the controversy of who's question should be answered first.

During the conversation, his eyes didn't leave mine and mine didn't leave his.

His right hand found its place on my waist, and the left one on my chin.

"L-leave me!" I said, trying to escape his hold.

He stayed quiet. His finger traced my jaw and I felt all the butterflies rising in my stomach. Gradually, his thumb reached my lips and his gaze shifted from my eyes to my lips.

I thought he will avert his eyes from them soon. But he didn't. Instead he kept staring at them for quite a minute.

I feared he was not about to do what I thought he was about to do.


A/N: Hello people! It's hard to update lately because I am caught up in some stuff. But I will try my best.

Oh, and most welcome to the new readers.

Yashhal ❤

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