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It's Friday, which means we are supposed to leave for New York City tonight, but Georgie seems intent on staying home, and Hale—well, Hale does whatever Georgie says.

"Please," I say, begging her over the phone, "Please come with us. I don't know what happened the other night, but Reed really wants you guys to come, and so do I."

She releases a sigh. "I'm really sorry, Evelyn. But I'm not dropping everything to go to a strange city in the middle of the night. I'm surprised Lily even said yes."

"She wants me to expand my horizons."

"Then she should at least come with you."

"I'm not going alone," I protest, rolling my eyes even though she can't see me, "Reed's coming, and so should you."

"It has nothing to do with the other night," Georgina replies, voice brusque, "But I just—I wouldn't feel safe."

As much as I want to, I can't argue with that.

"Okay," I say finally, after a long pause. "Okay, if that's what you want."

"Thank you. Have fun."

And before I can get a word in edgewise, the receiver clicks off. I hold back an inward groan as I dial Reed.

"Evelyn?" He asks, and I can hear the excitement in his tone, "What's the verdict?"

"They're not coming."

There's a short pause, an intake of breath. Then,

"Okay. Alright, if they don't want to come, that's fine. You're not bailing, are you?"

"Of course not," I reply, a smile inching up the corners of my lips, "This is practically the highlight of my year."

"Hopefully so," he says, and I hear a crinkling of papers as he says, "I've already mapped out spots to visit—Central Park, obviously, and then—"

I listen to him go and on, listing each location and his excitement and enthusiasm slowly begins to leak from his voice into me and I find myself excited and electrified, almost as much as he seems to be. I can't wait, I realize, for the night to begin.

Reed stops to catch a breath. "Evelyn? I haven't bored you to death, have I?"

"No," I reply, "Just listening."

"Well," he says, "I probably shouldn't waste any more time. Meet me at the station in twenty, okay?"

My stomach does a somersault. "You got it."

With one last goodbye, he hangs up and I breathe in deeply, smiling to myself and stepping out of my room, into the hallway.

"Mom?" I ask, and she appears in the doorway of her room, just a few doors down from my own. Her hair is piled up messily, face makeup-free and freshly-showered. Tonight is her free night, I remember.

"I'm heading out."

Her face brightens. "You're going to love New York. You got everything? Emergency cell number? How about Georgie; is she on her way?"

"Um," I say, suddenly uncomfortable. Will she force me to stay? Does she even trust Reed? "Well, Georgie backed out. And—"

My voice sputters out as I wait for her to jump in and cut me off, but instead her eyes soften and she bites her lip.

"Dammit," she says, through a weak laugh, "So it's just going to be you and Reed?"

I cough, feeling the disappointment rise in me like a tsunami wave. "Is—would that be okay?"

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