Part 1

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Arabella Mendes  POV

My eyes were trained on the school at the end of the street, one curve and the school bus screeched to a stop. I took a deep breath before walked out the bus, letting the fresh air invade my senses.

"Finally, it's our last year of high school, are you ready?" I said meeting up with my two best friends.

Every year, since the start of school, my best friends and I have walked into school together. It's kind of our tradition.

"As ready as we can be I guess." Adley  shrugged.

"Well are we just going to stand here and stare or what?" Mackenzie said grabbing our arms and dragging us towards the entrance of the school hall.

Let me stop you here.

I'm Arabella Mae Mendes. I'm 17 years old turning 18 soon and Right now, I'm in my final year of high school at Duvall High.

My best friends, Adley, Mackenzie and I - are inseparable. We all live in the same neighborhood which is really convenient.

"I'm quite excited" Adley squeals.

"You're just excited to see Shawn." Mackenzie says causing Adley to blush.

"That's not true, I saw him during the holidays" She argues back making me laugh.

Incase you were wondering Adley has always had a huge crush on my brother Shawn

"You honestly can't speak Mrs Santoy." Adley bounces back.

Tyler Santoy, the guy Mackenzie is with at the moment, they're together, but not dating. They have been 'together' the whole of summer break. Me on the other hand? I'm single.

Guys don't particularly pay attention to me, except for my brother Shawn, and my friend Tom, who I spent most of my summer break with.

"Okay, I don't want a repeat of summer break." I said laughing.

"Remind me again, How are you and your brother even related?" Adley says, glaring at my brother with a star struck expression, while he stands talking to his friends by his locker.

"Okay so he's popular." I shrug, closing my locker with my books against my chest.

"He's also been in a relationship and  goes to parties." Adley says.

"I've had a boyfri--"I fight back rolling my eyes, but before I could finish what I was saying Mackenzie interrupted.

"Dylan doesn't count. You guys were 5 years old, you didn't even know the word boyfriend." Mackenzie laughs

"Okay well whatever, Shawn is also two years older than me and in college and I'm not even going to try argue about the party thing because we all know that's true." I say giggling while turning to face them.

"And he does sport." Adley states.

"I do sport..." I state staring at them, causing us to burst out laughing.

Okay so I'm not some typical popular high school girl. I'd say I'm more of an artsy type of person than anything else really. I'm more shy and on the introverted side. And no I haven't had a boyfriend yet but there's no rush. Right? 

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