Chapter 3- Love... and the reality that hides behind it.

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Julia wished she could say it improved after that. It didn't. The next morning she came down to find that breakfast was almost all gone, except that Beth had rescued her food, and that Mandy was trying to teach the adults how to milk the cows. When they returned they assigned the bedrooms properly. The ten of them staying here, herself, Oliver, Beth, Yasmine, Levi, her dad, Randy, and the other three she barely knew, Jamie, Hugh and Kelly, tried to fit into the two buildings. The cottage may have had three bedrooms but it was so tiny, even the bedrooms small, and so run down that in the end only Julia, Beth, Yasmine, Levi and Oliver stayed here. Mandy was staying with the rest of the group in the homestead closer to the beach. That apparently had four bedrooms and they were trying to figure out how fast they could get a third building up.

So at least Amana wasn't sleeping here when Oliver was. Julia hovered around the first night, locked the door when Amanda left the building, and spent the next few days trying to get Oliver's attention when Amanda was hovering around. Seriously. She was hovering around Oliver all the time. It made Julia feel strangely desperate and obessive about him. Angry too. She wasn't enjoying this side of her. Hormones, pride, all of it, it totally rejected the idea that Julia should be hovering around Oliver. It also didn't help that she was seriously starting to feel huge now, more than before, and Mandy's attention towards Oliver wasn't improving this. What the hell was his problem? He didn't even kiss her when Mandy was around.

Amanda tended to do constant glances at Julia's tummy. Not her face. Her tummy. Julia was hungry all the time but those glances seemed to make it worse. Comfort eating without actually being able to comfort eat. Yeah. Thanks unstable blood sugar levels. She supposed drinking and eating just sugary foods for weeks on end probably hadn't helped that. Now her stress levels were back up again big time- and Amanda actually suggested, over the second night's dinner, that maybe Julia better stay on the mainland. That she might need to be near a hospital.

Oliver actually agreed with that. It was Beth's hand on Julia's leg that kept her quiet. She breathed in, shut her eyes, and shoved more of the mac and cheese into her mouth. Oh boy. Just wait. Oliver actually tried to ask her what was wrong then, and she lost it, trying to fling her plate at his head as hard as she could and storming upstairs. What was wrong? Besides the leggy woman that was trying to attach herself to him?

Julia plotted all night, curled up on her side, while Beth slept beside her. Then she tried to ignore her plots. She still hated that she was so obsessive. Why was she obsessive? This was stupid. She wasn't dependant on anyone. But everytime that bitch stared at Oliver, Julia's moods swung into 'killer pregnant girl' mode again, and she lay there for hours wide awake trying to not ...attack something.

Especially when she heard Mandy's voice downstairs still, at two in the morning, and Oliver's laughter.

This continued, with Julia increasingly trying to avoid Mandy, which usually meant she had to avoid Oliver too. She couldn't look at them when he was grinning at his new 'friend'. Even Yasmine seemed a bit taken back by Julia's anger and avoided her. Only Beth dared come close to her and her dad. Beth kept reminding her to check her blood, eat, and they tried to go for walks on the island. They made their way up the path, the warm sunlight back now after several hours of rain, and up onto the landing strip. Julia wanted to explore the whole island- one end to the other- but she struggled just with getting up the hill.

"I think I look like I'm nine months." She complained to Beth, breathing hard, eyes shut as she tried to get her breath back.

"You're not that big, Julia. Relax. It's just we're not used to slopes." Beth was breathing hard too. "I thought werewolves were supposed to be super fit?"

"I guess we're not really one yet, are we? We still need to start the change thing." Julia had to pause mid-sentance to inhale and exhale. She tugged the top up over her belly and stroked it as she felt the babies twist or twirl or something. "Sorry. Babies. Mama's trying to get more air."

Julia's baby, Bk 2 - Oh, Mama.Where stories live. Discover now