The CEO's Trio ~ Fourty-Two

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"HI RYWEE!" Oliver yelled, pointing at Rylee, waking up the sleeping patients and earning glares from the nurses and doctors. I placed my finger on his lips and carried him to where Rylee was sat up and grinning at him, wearing the clothes that I'd bought her the other day.

"Hi baby," she greeted using her free hand to pat her lap, so that Oliver could sit there. "Hi Olivia, your silence is enough for me to know that you missed even if it just a little."

Olivia snorted and rolled her eyes, "As if."

I chuckled lowly, "Weren't you the one complaining that the house was so quiet and you had no one to make fun of the other day?" I asked raising an eyebrow and Olivia shook her head quickly while Rylee smirked.

"Knew you would miss me. Even if it was just a little." She beamed, patting the spot next to her for Olivia to sit there, she looked around and smiled when she lay her eyes on Olive who was wrapped up in a blanket in her car seat, She leaned forward and smiled down at the sleeping Olive, who had been discharged yesterday after so many tests to make sure that there had been no brain damage.

"She wight as wain." Oliver attempted to say, pointing at Olive, making us all laugh and Olivia face palm.

"Yes Oliver, she's as right as rain." I picked Oliver up and placed him on my lap, sitting on the chair next to Rylee's bed, "Are you excited to come back home?" I asked Rylee who nodded eagerly.

"Have you found the texter?" She asked quietly and I shook my head slowly.

"He's still searching, Lex has been dismissed and advised to rest for a few weeks but he still wants to tag along, just incase." Olivia's ears perked up at the mention of Lex and she turned around to face us grinning widely, I rolled my eyes and turned back to face Rylee who was fidgeting with her cast. "Everything will be alright, baby." I reassured her, running my hand through her dark curls as she frowned.

"I'm scared. What kind of psychopath would do that? What if it was worse?What if something happened to Olive? Or Lex? Or me?" She questioned frantically, as she began to panic, "We can't wait around for much longer, what if they're planning something. Sebastian we can't just sit around we have to find them and if you don't want to then I will beca-."

I cut her off by pressing my lips to hers, I'd been wanting to do that all day, and God, her lips felt amazing. Her arms wrapped around my neck, deeping the kiss. Her lips moving in sync with mine. They're so soft and I couldn't stop the soft moan that slipped out as I felt her fingers tug my hair.

"Woah. Keep it PG, kids and 2 very single people here." A very loud voice interrupted. I pulled away from Rylee and turned to glance at the tall woman holding a bag of McDonalds, who had interrupted our kiss, and behind her stood a man, holding flowers and chocolate.

I instantly recognised the girl as Noire, and the guy that I punched on Christmas.

I instantly rose to my feet, but I felt Rylee tug at the sleeve of my shirt.

"Please don't." She mouthed, batting her long lashes and pouting.

I hesitated before sitting back down, but not once letting go of Rylee.

"Zakir! Noire! I'm so glad, you could both come!" Rylee beamed, accepting the chocolates that he had bought her.

I snatched the box of chocolates and opened them, scanning the heart shapes chocolate pieces in the box. Maybe if I just 'accidentally' tip them in the bin...

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