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Ulfr groaned as Amy moved up against him in her sleep. knowing that she was unaware of what she was doing, Ulfr merely grasped her hips to hold her still. Amy frowned as she tried to turn to the warmth next to her. Instead, she found she was being held still. This woke her up quickly. Ulfr recognized the panic in her face and was instantly sorry for holding his mate still.

 Sitting up suddenly, her breathing racing, she began to hyperventilate. Ulfr grabbed her and hauled her up in his lap and began to pet her and speak softly to her. "Easy, sweetheart. You're safe. Nothing can hurt you. I'm right here, Amy." When she calmed some, Ulfr raised her face to look at him. Noticing her tears, he felt a twist in his gut. Amy took a noticibly deep breath, trying to calm down.

"I'm sorry. I am not used to sleeping with anyone. My husband has been dead for almost seven years. When I realized I was being held down, it brought back some very uncomfortable memories for me." Amy prayed that Ulfr wouldn't dig to deep, asking uncomfortable questions.

"Amy, sweet mate, we will talk about this. Right now, I need to get up and take care of something. Go ahead and go back to sleep, if you want. Or you can explore the house. It's all yours. Also, you can make any changes that you want to. I'm going to be in my office. I have about three hours worth of work to do. After that, I'm taking a week off, so we can get to know each other. I want you completely comfortable with me. I want us to be happy....." Ulfr trailed off with a growl. He covered her just as the door to their room was slammed open and a woman charged into the room.

"So it's true. You wouldn't take me for a mate, but you instead accepted this puny human. Come here, human. Let me see the woman who thinks she can take my place in Ulfr's bed." The woman was tall and stood with an arrogant bearing , meaning that she could only be wolf, not human.

"Olivia, what do you think you are doing here. Who told you that you were welcome in my home!" Ulfr demanded. 

"It's alright, Ulfr. I'm sure most of your pack will have many questions similar to her's. However, I don't think that they will ask questions about my ability to satisfy you. As for you, Olivia, is it?How dare you! How dare you come into my home. Into my bedroom, yet, while my mate and I are still in bed. For all you knew, we were in the act of mating." At the flicker in her eyes, Amy knew that was just what she was hoping for. " As your Alpha female, I hereby declare you banished from this pack. Disobedience and insubordination such as this will not be tolerated. If you question your Alpha's authority, there's no telling what other trouble you'll get into. If you are caught on pack or district land after sunset today, you will be killed without mercy." With each word Amy spoke, she took a step closer to Olivia, and Olivia seemed to shrink in on herself. "Do I make myself clear?" 

At Olivia's small nod, Amy dismissed her with a small gesture of her hand, saying "Take your leave. You have less than twleve hours. Spread the word. The Alpha female will not tolerate upstarts. Now Go!"

Olivia practically ran trying to get away from his mate. Ulfr sat back on their bed with his back resting against the headboard, laughing. "Fierce little thing, aren't you? I don't think anyone has ever stood up to Olivia. She has always used her relationship as my occassional bed partner to get her way." Ulfr continued to laugh on his way to the shower.

Amy shrugged off her anger, realizing that it was time to leave the past where it belonged. She decided to follow her "mate" into the shower, stripping off her clothes as she went.

Ulfr stood under the hot shower, letting the water pulse over his body wishing it was his mate's hands. The scent hit him before she appeared. The shower was a large one. He was a huge man and a large wolf. He didn't want anything small. Looking over his mate, he realized that this was also true in his mate. She was on the tall side, maybe 5'8. Humans would say she was a little thick. That's ok. Her body had curves in places that most men would find attractive. In fact, he would need to mark her quickly. Other wolves would try to steal her if he didn't.

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