Chapter Two

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The smell of wet dog and urine seeped from beneath me, pulling me from my unconscious. Rough rope pinched painfully at my wrists and my upper arms, pushing my shoulders back past their limit. My face twisted in pain and I strained against the mattress beneath me as I gagged on the stench. My eyes watered as I pushed my head to the side, my neck protesting with the motion. I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the dingy room. A fuzzy TV played a cooking show, casting a dim light over the room and filling it with the dull lull of voices. An ugly pair of flower curtains adorned one side of the room, outlining the door. My eyes see-sawed between the ugly curtains to the ugly comforter beneath me. Identical. 

I stared at the stained comforter and shuddered as the thought of the foul things could still linger in the sheets played in my head like a horrifying infomercial. 

I twisted my head to the other side, holding my breath as I did. Muffled rustling met me through a door a few feet away from the bed I was lying in. I sucked in a breath, almost coughing from the wretched odor still engulfing me. I forced myself to swallow it as I tugged carefully at my restraints, adrenaline shooting through my limbs. My fingertips slowly went numb and my lungs shrank, shortening my breaths while I struggled against the rope.  

It wasn't until my skin became raw against the hay-textured bind that I stopped. I was getting nowhere with this. A bitter sense of anger expanded in my chest as I realized I wasn't going to get out of this. I couldn't help but blame myself in that moment. I'd become way too curious about my curse. Seeing the things that I did wasn't exactly the norm and I just wanted to know if there were others like me.

So I went to the internet. I didn't even think I would find anything, but I did.

I was always very careful about the people I spoke to, sure to never give any kind of identifying information, but not careful enough seeing as I still managed to find myself hogged tied in a shitty motel room with a Vampire in the next room.

He had been waiting for me.

In my room. 

He knew my name.

I stared at the bathroom door for a moment. The water shut off and a blow dryer started.

I'm going to die.

I tried to breathe as my heart pounded harder in my chest. I worked against the restraints, some blackness seeping into the edges of my vision as I did. I pulled more air into my lungs, forcing myself to stay present. When was I going to learn? Nothing good ever came from the crap I was born with. I should've known better. I should've left it the fuck alone.

A hand pressed into the back of my neck, pinching me as it pushed me into the mattress further. I flinched, pulling my shoulder to my ears as I gagged into the mattress. 

He pushed harder. "Knock. It. Off," the man said slowly, a distinct note of irritation tinging his voice. He released my neck and casually walked further into the room.

It was the verbal equivalent of swatting me on the ass.

I squeezed my eyes shut. I loosened my jaw like my old therapist used to suggest when I was anxious, and fuck if I wasn't anxious right now. I opened my hands, flexing them open until they hurt. Another trick she suggested. I took in even breaths, ignoring the smell, trying to put the heart pounding in my ears at ease. I rested my head for the first time since I came to, not letting myself think of what I was resting it on. I forced my muscles to relax and finally cleared my head enough to think.

Unfortunately, this was all I needed to give my mouth a chance to do what it always does; get me in trouble.

I licked my lips, the corners of my mouth cracking from the lack of moisture. "You know, I'm not opposed to kink but it's implied that you ask first," I semi-joked, my voice hoarse with fear. "It's a little thing we call consent. I don't suppose you've heard of it?" I said, my voice filled with forced bravado.

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