Baby Why

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"Mo can we go somewhere fun today?" Queen asked me as I got Miracle dressed.

"Where do you want to go Queen?"

"Somewhere fun."

"Today is Sunday. Not much is open today."


"But guess where we are about to go?"


"Auntie D's."

Dorian invited me to come over her house early this morning. She said she was lonely and wanted some company. Why not go. King isn't paying me any attention anyways. So I agreed on coming.

"Yay. Can I bring my doll?"

"Mhm. Grab a jacket and come on."

I gave Miracle some fake keys and she put them in her mouth. "Aww is somebody teething? It's a little early for that." I said putting her on my hip and grabbing my keys.

"King I'm going-"

"Okay." He responded before even hearing me out.

"I guess you don't care I'm going over Romeo's house." I said bring up my ex.

"Okay Mo." King said putting cover him and going back to sleep.

I shook my head sighing. That man doesn't give a damn. I put my girls in the backseat and jumped in the front.

"Seatbelt on?" I asked Queen looking at her through the rear view mirror.

"Yes ma'am." She said eating a lollipop.

"Okay." I said and began to drive. While driving I had a conversation with Queen.

"Q you ready for school tomorrow?"

"I'm scared."

"Pooh it's only first grade. You don't do much."

"Do we have nap time?"

"Nope. But that's why you have to get your rest tonight."

"But I won't have any friends."

"You have to make some okay? Be nice and everyone will be your friend."

She looked down at her doll sadly.

"If it makes you feel any better Dori is going to be your teacher."

"Auntie D!?"

"Yea." I smiled.

"Yes!" She cheered.

I laughed and made a right turn into Dorian's neighborhood. When I reached my destination I killed the engine and opened the backdoor. Queen got out and I picked up Miracle.

"Ring the doorbell Q." Queen rung the doorbell and Dorian opened. She was wearing a small T-shirt and some shorts.

"Heyyy. Come in guys." She said smiling. I could easily tell she was crying before we got here. She had black circles under her eyes and her nose was red.

"Hey Queenie pooh." Dori hugged Queen.

"Hey." She smiled. "Can I watch Tv?"

"Go ahead. You know what to do." Queen ran into the living room leaving us alone.

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