Synopsis: A horror story

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If you are determined to take the extra step and try to get published then there is a trap that you can't escape no matter how talented you are, how many prizes you have won and how many followers worship you. 

It's called a synopsis.

Once you start searching for an agent to sell your book to a publisher you are asked to send the opening of your novel (3.000 words usually) along with a CV and a synopsis. You may think that an agent will recognise your profound talent by reading your glorious opening. 


An agent will start reading your synopsis first and once he/she starts reading, time is against you. Most agents,  get dozens of synopsis daily and they are determinated not to waste their time on reading anything that doesn't intrigue them. It's like giving your synopsis to your worst enemy and hoping to read it till the end. It's nothing personal but they can easily tell by reading your first 2 sentences of your synopsis if they are interested or not. 

Apart from them being intrigued your synopsis has to describe a story using as less words as possible which they believe that they can sell to a specific market. Would you be willing to pay for reading that story? Reading it for free isn't enough. If he/she isn't convinced on that your synopsis, cv, summary and novel's opening will end to a trash can way bigger than your own.

So how do you write a synopsis?

Make it an engaging one. Every boring paragraph or a big one can be leathal for your book.

Write and rewrite it because this is the real cover of your book for a proffesional to buy it.

They say "Never judge a book by its cover"

Well they judge your book by its synopsis.

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