Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Creaking the front door of my apartment open I peaked my head in to see if Kelly was up. The apartment was silent except for the shower in Kelly's room, shutting the door I tip toed in.

Holden just dropped me off after we woke up this morning just as the sun rose. It was beautiful and he didn't even make a pass at me like I thought. He only kissed me briefly moments ago before he left.

I had a great time last night but I couldn't help but feel guilty the whole time. It's like something is wrong. I peered my head towards Kelly's door, I don't want to explain why I just got in.

"Walk of shame."

I yelped in surprise as Kelly stood up from behind the counter with a grin that reached her ears.

"You scared me." I breathed out, placing my hand over my heart

She was still in her large pumpkin shirt and girl boxers, did she just wake up? Kelly walked around the island with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Bad Aubrey spending a night doing the nasty." she teased

"We didn't do anything, we just talked." I shrugged as I poured myself a cup of coffee

Kelly's left brow lifted "About?" she asked gesturing for me to continue

Leaning against the counter I bit my lip not sure if I should tell her. She is my best friend.

"We talked something's out." I murmured than looked up at Kelly's anxious face

"Holden and I are trying again, sort of."

She blinked a couple times like the words that came out of my mouth made no sense.

"We aren't a couple just trying to be friends with a few kisses." I smiled at Holden's words from last night

Kelly lowered her gaze to her mug looking like there was a fight in her head.

"Do you really like him Aubrey?" she asked in a flat tone

To buy some time I lifted the mug up to my mouth. Honestly I'm not sure whether I do or not. My feelings for Holden are there but it doesn't feel like it use to. Something is different now.

"I'm not sure, it's confusing." I admitted out loud

"It's no secret I don't like him Aub but if you have feelings for that juicy piece of meat I'm happy for you."

I looked up at Kelly to see her words were genuine. She placed her mug down and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"No matter your feelings though I want you to bang him so hard the roof falls on top of you. Bang him so hard the neighbors will know your name. Bang him so hard I can hear you from our apartment."

Not this again. I pushed at her shoulders as she bursted out in laughter.

Just than the shower turned off, it was than I realized Kelly had her own sleepover. I raised my brows at her and tilted my head to her room.

"You were out all night so don't judge me." she said as she pulled away

"Look at you doing the nasty." I giggled

Kelly rolled her eyes at my childish tone but I am excited. I wonder who it could be.

"Do I get to see Mr. Sexy?" I asked as she turned away from me

"Yes, now go to your room." she ordered

She's lying, as soon as I go away she'll sneak her bed warmer out. Kelly must of realized this too because she began to push me towards my room.

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