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est. 2017

↬ A P P E T I Z E R ↫

Welcome to the Kelloggs Café! 

Get comfy and make yourself at home! This space will be equivalent to my rant journal, but it's also open for all of you to share your thoughts and ideas! One of my favourite parts about writing on Wattpad has been meeting and talking to all of you, so introduce yourself in the comments! 

I'd love to get to know everyone more, and create a little corner for all of us to gather, outside of our stories and writing :)  

↬ M A I N ↫  

Dishes include, but are not limited to: 

1. Q & A 

2. Excerpts of random stories

3. Shout-outs to online friends

4. Rambling about everything under the sun

5. Movies and music and recommendations

*All are served with a side of my own opinion haha :)

**Also always open to suggestions too!

↬ D R I N K S ↫  

My plan for this story is really nonexistent because I'd like to write sporadically about whatever, whenever I feel like it! 

*Though this is quite informal, please don't copy anything from this story because these thoughts and opinions were written by me!

↬ D E S S E R T↫  

My personal favourite part of every meal! Yes, I did indeed dedicate this story to myself LOL; I was surprised to discover that it worked.

But don't worry, I've arrived! ;) Read on ahead for more!

  © Kelly Ge 2017 

The Kelloggs Café [Open]Where stories live. Discover now