The Argument- A Christian Grey Imagine (Dirty Bits in It)

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I hold my phone in my hands, smiling down at the message Jace sent to me, reading " Do you believe in love at first sight?Or do i have to walk in front of you again?" i shake my head and laugh while i begin to type a reply. " None, i am already in lo---"  Christian snatches my phone from my hands. "Christian! Give me that ba--", "why are you talking to him again, i told you he is nasty, he only wants sex!" He yells at me, his face all tensed and red, raging sweat falls down his face, eyes bloodshot. He is angry. 

I reach for my phone but he raises his long muscular arm higher. "Christian give me my phone!" I shout back at him. " WHY SHOULD I ? YOU AND HIM ARE Probably SLEEPING TOGETHER BEHIND MY BACK! YOUR SUCH A SLUTTY BITCH WHO SELLS HER LOVE TO OTHER MEN EXPECTING ME TO PICK UP THE PIECES AFTER YOU GET HURT! MAKE YOU FEEL SPECIAL!" "SMACK" I throw my hand across his face leaving red marks on his face where I hit him hard.

He raises his hand to his cheek the looks at me. He throws my phone at the wall and grabs my hand, tightly. "How dare you smack me, you will pay" he says, leading me to the bedroom. "Christian let go of me!" i say trying to struggle from his grip. He opens the bedroom door, launching me across the room to the bed. 

The door slams behind him, making the wall shake. He hovers above me, his face close to mine, his raging warm  breath on my neck. "You will pay, Bitch" he whispers. He locks my hands in his handcuffs and climbs off the bed. He walks across to the windows and open them wide.

"You will stay here, alone, for as long as i want you to, no, till i get back from Jace's house. If i have blood on my hands, it will be his. Know one talks love to my girl, know one, you understand that?" he says wiggling his finger at me angryly. I nod. 

He walks towards the door, closing it behind him. How the fuck am i getting out of this!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2014 ⏰

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